I was wrong that my Princton Tec light has a 3-W LED. I remembered
incorrectly, and I've seen it in a store since with a 1W LED claimed on the
sales packaging (and for $35). Anyway, it threw a lot of light onto the
cliff across the lake at TCR.... True, at the highest setting it is only
supposed to last 2 hours of full brightness on alkaline batteries, so on a
trip into Bustamante you might need to change them, but most caves will
never require the brightest mode. (And you wouldn't want to use it for fear
of spoiling the dark vision of your companions with dimmer light.) Use one
on your helmet and carry another as a spare in your pack. It's smaller than
most flashlights.
     I too haven't seen a real 3W LED light for less than ~$70. -- Bill

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