I have been saving this email for someone like you just getting started with
vertical.  This is not the best or most definitive work on vertical, but it
is FREE.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cave...@cavetex.net [mailto:owner-cave...@cavetex.net]On
Behalf Of Don
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:42 PM
To: cave...@cavetex.net
Subject: CaveTex: Online Caving Book Link to PDF "Vertical"

Posted in USENET's alt.caving

In article <f6a3c014.0406170431.492b1...@posting.google.com>,
  m...@cavediggers.com (Mark) wrote:

NOTE: Feel free to forward this link on to relevent cave groups.

Al Warild's book titled "Vertical" is now available exclusively
online(PDF format) at http://www.cavediggers.com/Intro.pdf All 10
chapters and their respective links are listed below. The version on
Caves.com/Cavediggers.com is print protected and may not be saved or
copied, however webmasters feel free to link into either the book or
individual chapters. I will have an order page up as well to order a
downloadable print version or you can order a CD directly from
Speleobooks or Al. If anyone has any difficulties with the PDF's
let me know offlist at m...@caves.com

Main Book http://www.cavediggers.com/Intro.pdf

Chapter 1 Personal Equipment http://www.cavediggers.com/1PERSON.pdf
Chapter 2 Rigging Equipment http://www.cavediggers.com/2RIG_EQP.pdf
Chapter 3 Knots http://www.cavediggers.com/3KNOTS.pdf
Chapter 4 Rigging Basics http://www.cavediggers.com/4RIG_BAS.pdf
Chapter 5 Advanced Rigging http://www.cavediggers.com/5RIG_ADV.pdf
Chapter 6 Descent http://www.cavediggers.com/6DESCENT.pdf
Chapter 7 Ascent http://www.cavediggers.com/7ASCENT.pdf
Chapter 8 Organization http://www.cavediggers.com/8ORG.pdf
Chapter 9 Disaster http://www.cavediggers.com/9DISASTR.pdf
Chapter 10 Surveying http://www.cavediggers.com/10SURVEY.pdf

Mark Passerby, Caves.com

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