Joe and Evelynn,

Melissa and I will not be able to attend this year. We have an engagement up in 
Dallas that i cannot miss.

Have a great time and thanks for all you do for TCMA.


On October 1, 2014 at 9:33:55 PM, Joe & Evelynn Mitchell via Texascavers 
( wrote:

The next Robber Baron Open House is coming up on Sat, Nov 1, 2014! This is a 
great event for the public to visit and learn about a wild cave and also a 
great fundraising opportunity for TCMA. Many volunteers are needed to make this 
happen and we would love to have your help either in the cave or on the surface.


We request that everyone be at the cave by 8:00 am at the latest since there is 
a lot to setup. If you can be there earlier, that would be even better. Lunch 
and water will be provided to all volunteers, however if can bring you own 
water bottle that would be better, especially if you plan to work in the cave. 


We will need at least 15-20 people working in the cave and another 15 or more 
on the surface. If you know of anyone else who would like to help, let them 
know - we could use the assistance!


People who plan to work in the cave will need to bring all of their own gear. 
Every bit of loaner gear is in use by the public. 


Kurt and Kitty Menking are planning to host a covered dish party at their place 
after the RBC open house. (Bring something you want to share.) There will be 
burgers, venison sausage, and okra on the grill.  Please RSVP if you plan to 
attend the after party so that our hosts can know how many to prepare for.


Accommodations can be found for anyone staying overnight from out of town. It 
is likely that there will be a Government Canyon Survey on the day following 
the open for those wanting to stay and go caving. Marvin Miller is the contact 
for that survey, so check in with him if you would like to go to Government 


Let me know if you can come and help with this big TCMA fund-raising event! We 
have a lot of fun each time we do it, so we hope you can join us to represent 


Please contact Evelynn Mitchell if you can volunteer at or 

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