Dear Friends,

I have two important reminders and one announcement for the 14th 
Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental 
Impacts of Karst (aka "The Sinkhole Conference"):

First, the deadline for abstracts is 1 December 2014-less than a month away! We 
strongly encourage submission of full papers, and they may be sent later if 
your abstract is submitted by the deadline. Send your abstract this weekend so 
you can relax with family and friends during the holidays at the end of the 

Second, if you are a student or know one, we encourage students to apply for 
the Barry F. Beck Student Scholarship that includes free registration to the 
conference plus up to $1,000 for travel expenses. All applications must include 
an abstract by 1 December 2014 and its full paper by 1 March 2015. We encourage 
organizations and working professionals to donate to the scholarship fund to 
provide even more scholarships to help boost the careers of young karst 
engineers and scientists. All donations are tax deductable.

My announcement is that The Weather Channel will show an episode on sinkholes 
that will feature Tom Aley, who is one of the Sinkhole Conference's short 
course instructors. It will be first broadcast on 10 November in the USA. Check 
your local listings for details.

The Sinkhole Conference series has been the premier conference for all aspects 
of karst geoscience and related engineering and environmental issues-and not 
just sinkholes. This next Sinkhole Conference will be held in Rochester, 
Minnesota, USA, on 5-9 October 2015, and jointly organized with the Minnesota 
Groundwater Association it should be an exceptional meeting!

Visit for information on how to register for 
the conference, submit an abstract and paper, and to find all deadlines, 
details on the Beck Scholarship, information on short courses, field trips, and 
much more.

Please distribute this information to anyone you think may be interested.


George Veni, Ph.D.
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: 575-887-5517
Mobile: 210-863-5919
Fax: 575-887-5523<><>

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