The Karst Information Portal crew went to the trouble of redacting certain 
information requested by TSA when TSA gave permission for the Texas Cavers to 
be posted. If the current officers wish the unredacted issues to be posted, 
that can be arranged but please note that this all takes effort and regular 
switching back and forth between redacted and unredacted versions is 
discouraged. If the current officers wish to make this change, please contact 
me off-post.


Sent from my mobile phone


George Veni, Ph.D.
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215
Office: 575-887-5517
Mobile: 210-863-5919
Fax: 575-887-5523

-------- Original message --------
From: Mixon Bill via Texascavers <>
Date: 2014/11/12 20:04 (GMT-07:00)
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Texas Cavers magazine archive

Yes, it was #2. It was not in the set that Mike provided links to, I'm
pretty sure. It stands out pretty well in a folder display because it
is the one with color cover. Perhaps Mike had not downloaded it,
seeing it as a duplicate. But also it was a membership list issue, and
I see indications that there was a conspiracy against those issues
getting on the web, although it was not done consistently. Somebody
went to a lot of trouble to hide the addresses and phone numbers in
the 1997 members manual; see 1997 #1. But some membership list issues
were there, and some are on the TSA web site in the members' area.

In addition to the things I put in the link in the message you saw, I
also scanned the TSA members manuals for 2005, 2007, and 2009. Those
were distributed by the TSA but not as numbered issues of the Texas
Caver. I figured I'd humor the people who had obviously hidden that
info. I did send a link to those scans to TSA and TSS leaders so they
could archive them. If you're interested, that link is

Now I have to go through all the Texas Cavers looking for maps that
are not yet in the AMCS set on the web. I probably won't bother to add
a Texas Caver credit at the bottom of the maps that are already on our
web site; there would be an awful lot of them, because there was a
good bit of duplication between the TC and the AMCS. It isn't easy to
add a new line of text to an existing PDF. Hope I don't find too many
maps in pre-1972 TCs that are bad because KIP used Veni's bound
copies.-- Bill
Ack! Christmas decorations already. This might be a good time to spend
a couple of months in Saudi Arabia.
You may "reply" to the address this message
(unless it's a TexasCavers list post)
came from, but for long-term use, save:
AMCS: or

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