
Ezells Cave Preserve in San Marcos, owned by the Texas Cave Management 
Association, is in need of a new gate.  Many years ago the cave was permanently 
sealed and the small population of Myotis velifer bats was denied access, which 
cut off the nutrient supply for many rare and endangered denizens living in the 
lake below.  Later, the gate was removed and sporadic use by bats was noted by 
visitors.  Later still, a new gate and concrete platform were installed which 
did nothing to enhance bat populations to return, although a few tricolored 
bats (Perimyotis subflavus) have been noted in recent years.  A new gate is 
envisioned that would reopen the window into the aquifer and help restore the 
ecology of the cave.
So how can you help?

We have already applied for and received a Landowner Incentive Program grant 
but we need more to offset the greatly-discounted $13,000 price tag for the 
construction project.  A lot of the design work and equipment is being donated 
by Jim Kennedy through his business, but we will need additional funds for 
steel and welding supplies. We also need to pay a welder.  Please go to the 
Donate section on our website to pledge today.  For those who wish to donate 
additional funds, we are giving you an opportunity to have your name welded on 
steel.  For every $100 donation, we offer to put your full name on a length of 
steel which will be incorporated into the gate.  Lesser donations may entitle 
you to steel initials.

And we will need many volunteers to need carry steel from the street to the 
cave, lift bars into place, remove the old concrete platform, and clean up the 
site after the work is complete.  We will keep you posted on our construction 
schedule via e-mail and Facebook.

If you wish to donate your time and labor, call Ron Ralph (512-280-0648) or Jim 
Kennedy (512- 663-2287) and you will be added to the volunteer labor sign-up 
sheet.  The Texas Blind Salamander (Eurycea rathbuni) will thank you.
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