NOTE -- AMCS e-mail addresses temporarily not working. Use my 
personal address below -- Mixon

The deadline for material for the next AMCS Activities Newsletter, annual 
magazine of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies, is May 1. So far we have 
some historical reprints, but not a single article on recent discoveries or 
exploration. Articles, news items, or potential cover photos should be sent to

Mike Boon, famously hardcore and eccentric caver who was active in various 
areas of Mexico, especially Cuetzalan, Puebla, died recently. We are assembling 
a collection of anecdotes/memorials about Mike for the next newsletter. An 
example of his writing about Mexico appeared in the last AMCS Activities 
Newsletter, number 37. He started his caving career in the UK, and was also 
active in Canada. He died in Calgary, Alberta. Information about his career 
anywhere welcome. Please pass this on to people who might have caved with Mike 
in Mexico but not be on this e-mail list. Material should be sent to the 
address above.

Calling all those who caved in the Sierra de El Abra and Sierra de Guatemala of 
northeastern Mexico: The Association for Mexican Cave Studies is planning a 
Bulletin on the 29 cavefish caves in that region. “The Astyanax Caves of 
Mexico” will be published in late 2015, and will have more than 100 pages on 
exploration history, 29 fish cave maps, area maps, photos, descriptions, 
geologic history, hydrogeology, and biology. There will be sidebars of colorful 
caving stories about the key people who explored, mapped, and collected 
cavefish, and a list of the cavers’ names. We have the maps ready, but we need 
your high quality photos, field notes, letters, and stories. This is not a 
general bulletin on the Sierra de El Abra, but we are also gathering material 
for a follow-up bulletin on the 200 other caves, including the deep ones on the 
crest of the El Abra. The deadline for materials for the Astyanax bulletin is 
May 1, 2015. Please feel free to pass this message to cavers who worked there. 
More details about the coming Bulletin are at

Caves in the Astyanax Bulletin

Tamaulipas: Gómez Farías Area: Sótano (Resumidero) de Jineo, Sótano del Molino, 
Sótano Escondido. Chamal-Ocampo Area: Bee Cave, Sótano del Caballo Moro, Sótano 
de Vásquez. Northern Sierra de El Abra: Cueva de El Pachón, Sótano de Venadito.

San Luís Potosí: Yerbaniz Cluster: Sótano de Yerbaniz, Sótano de Matapalma, 
Sótano de Japonés. Sabinos Area: Sótano del Tigre, Sótano de la Roca 
(unmapped), Cueva de los Sabinos, Sótano del Arroyo, Sótano de la Tinaja, 
Sótano de Soyate, Sotanito de Montecillos, Sótano de Pichijumo, Sótano de Jos, 
Sótano de Las Piedras, Sótano de la Palma Seca. Southern Sierra de El Abra: 
Cueva de la Curva, Sótano del Toro, Cueva Chica, Los Cuates (Cueva del Prieto). 
Micos Area: Cueva de Otates, Cueva del Río Subterráneo, Cueva del Lienzo.

Guerrero: Taxco Area: Gruta de las Granadas-Resumidero La Joya.

Material for the Astyanax bulletin should be sent to William R. (Bill) 
Elliott,, 914 Bannister Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65109, 
cell: 573-291-5093 (preferred), home: 573-556-8082.
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