There are scholarships available for the NCRC National Seminar this summer. 
Please see the info below if your interested. Submission deadline is less that 
a month away. 


DJ Walker 

Please excuse misspellings and typos as this is coming from the tiny keyboard 
on my iPhone.  

Begin forwarded message:
> The NCRC will be awarding three $330 scholarships to help students attend the 
> national weeklong seminar at Park City, KY July 24-August 1, 2015. To be 
> considered please send a caving resume, 2 letters of support from NSS 
> members, and a cover letter describing your financial need and how training 
> would benefit the caving community in your region. Letters from grotto 
> officers will be given the most weight. Letters from Regional Coordinators 
> will be given less weight. 
> Submit your information to Roger Mortimer, 1455 N. Echo Avenue, Fresno, CA, 
> 93728. 
> All materials may be submitted electronically to 
> All materials must arrive by April 26, 2015 to be considered. 
> Awards will be announced by May 26, 2015.
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