I too remember Mr. Elizaldi and bringing cake and other pastries to his
home in Lampazos on our way to Minas.
The caver gang would hang out in Lampazos while Joe Ivy would shoot the
bull with Don Pedro.
Even arriving very late at night, the Elizaldi's would warmly welcome

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Charles Loving via Texascavers <
texascavers@texascavers.com> wrote:

> *I went to his place in Lampazos and to Minas with Rune and we ate and
> explored and saw the bear in the pool near his hacienda. He was a wonderful
> man and we drank a few beers together. RIP Don Pedro.*
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 7:12 PM, Fofo via Texascavers <
> texascavers@texascavers.com> wrote:
>> That is sad news. Thank you for sharing Nico.
>> Don Pedro Elizaldi was a very nice guy, always had a story to share and
>> it was very pleasant to hang out with him.
>> - Fofo
>> On 24/04/2015, at 19:05, Nico Escamilla via Texascavers <
>> texascavers@texascavers.com> wrote:
>> For those of you who might have met him, Pedro Elizaldi owner of rancho
>> Minas Viejas died today.. he was placed in a nursing home by his wife and
>> children against his will after having hip surgery, once there he faded
>> fast and finally died this morning.
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> --
> Charlie Loving
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