UNM researcher awarded National Speleological Society Science Award

September 17, 2015

Victor Polyak, senior research scientist in the Department of Earth and 
Planetary Sciences at UNM, was recently awarded the National Speleological 
Society (NSS) Science award for his dedication to the research of caves. Polyak 
manages the UNM Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory for Yemane Asmerom, professor of 

The award recognizes an NSS member who has shown impressive commitment to the 
scientific study of caves. Polyak has been a member of the NSS since 1986.

“I’m honored to be awarded the NSS Science Award. It comes from my fellow 
cavers and scientists. It was a lot of fun receiving the award,” Polyak said.

The citation reads in part: 
“[The] 2015 Science Award winner is characterized as a thorough, meticulous 
scientist who is willing to help other researchers and has been a great mentor 
to 10s of graduate students.

“A Master’s and doctorate at Texas Tech University resulted in some of the most 
in-depth studies of cave minerals in the world.  His dissertation work produced 
the age of formation of Carlsbad Cavern and Lechuguilla Cave, two New Mexico 
caves that are among the most famous caves in the world.  While in Lubbock, 
Texas he co-started the Lubbock Area Grotto, a regional caver’s organization 
that is affiliated with the NSS.

“Research interests are focused primarily on paleoclimatology of the 
Southwestern US using cave formations called speleothems.  Stalagmites, a 
speleothem type, yield the best results, and New Mexico stalagmites from Fort 
Stanton Cave and Carlsbad Cavern are producing globally renowned paleoclimate 

Professor Yemane Asmerom (l.) and Research Scientist Victor Polyak examine a 
sample. Polyak manages the UNM Radiogenic Isotope Laboratory.

“Another research interest is the timing of growth of speleothems from caves of 
Mallorca, Spain that are sea level high-stand indicators.  This research is 
providing one of the most accurate sea level records for the last interglacial 
period, a period that extended from 127,000 to 75,000 years ago. 

Polyak also works in the area landscape evolution and has spent 16 years 
studying Grand Canyon caves, and is using the ages of water-table-type 
speleothems from those caves to make important contributions to the evolution 
of Grand Canyon.

He and his wife Paula Provencio, part-time UNM-EPS employee, have had a 
long-standing interest in sulfur-related cave genesis, cave minerals and lava 
tube cave features.
Additionally, Polyak has numerous publications that come from his research on 
New Mexico and Arizona caves, helping to make him the perfect candidate for the 
The NSS Board of Governors approves those nominated for the award after 
recommendation from the Awards Committee. The candidate must also be a good 
standing member two years prior to becoming a candidate.

To learn more about the award or to see past recipients, visit caves.org.


Sr. Research Scientist Victor Polyak was a recipient of the National 
Speleological Society (NSS) Science award for his dedication to the research of 
Credit: Bill Frantz

UNM Newsroom


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