Greetings Cavers and Circus Monkeys!

Don't forget the Friday night Wine Tasting!  It won't be the same without you...

Who - Anyone that looks of legal age

Cost - Bring a bottle of wine to share

When - Dark 30 or whenever you have a drink in hand

Where - The flat stage area by the river in front of the main lodge (vaguely 
across from registration and up river just a bit).  Look for the group of 
people enjoying drinks.  Note this is not my campsite - that went way down hill 
last year :-P

What - Bring your favorite wine to share with the group.  Our goal is to find 
new and interesting wines to enjoy.  If your favorite has a wallaby or mad dog 
on the label we know about it already ;-)  We do sometimes have a VIP section 
if you want to bring a high end bottle too.

Food - The TCR cooks will be holding a fundraising dinner just across the road 
from us!  Let's help them buy a new trailer.

Alternate beverages - Yes, beer, water, coke, lemonade, a Pimm's Cup, cider, 
sweet tea, arak, pickle juice or any other beverage is acceptable should you 
not partake in wine but want to hang out with us.  We would encourage you to 
try some new wines, who knows, you might just find something you like!

Recycling - I will take the empty bottles home to recycle.  My garbage people 
already think I'm a lush, a little more won't hurt...

Anything else - Do try to bring your own non glass cup, we will have some 
disposables but we would rather not create trash.  We will have some tunes 
playing.  Bring your chair.  No attempting to swim under the influence.  

Not my monkeys - Not my circus,

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