Dear Friends,

Many things are happening in the world of caves and karst and I'm happy to 
share them with you. You are welcome to share them with others who may be 
interested. Please contact the people and organizations listed below for more 


George Veni, PhD
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: 575-887-5517
Mobile: 210-863-5919
Fax: 575-887-5523<><>


Announcements below:

1) DeepKarst Conference: Keynote and Banquet speakers!
2) Call for Proposals: Geological Society of America Convention
3) Karst Field Studies Summer 2016 Courses!
4) International Water Association Conference: Karst Aquifer Management Session 
    International Course: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers
5) National Speleological Society Convention: Section of Cave Geology and 
Geography call for abstracts
6) 35th International Geological Congress: call for abstracts
7) The Fourth Balkan Photo contest


DeepKarst Conference: Keynote and Banquet speakers!

DeepKarst 2016, the conference focused on hypogene karst, its science, 
implications, and management, is delighted to announce its Keynote 
( and Banquet 
( lectures. Two more great reasons to 
attend the conference, which will be held in Carlsbad, New Mexico, on 11-14 
April 2016, not counting optional field trips! To register and for more 
information, visit:


Call for Proposals: Geological Society of America Convention

Hello Karst Friends!

The deadline to submit proposals for technical sessions and short 
courses/workshops for the GSA annual meeting is midnight 1 Feb. 2016.  Please 
put together your proposals if you haven't already and get them submitted here: .

There is much karst within Colorado, so some one or more sessions centered on 
Colorado karst would be highly appropriate.  Sessions concerning the following 
karst topics have garnered a great deal of interest and been well attended at 
past GSA meetings:  methodology, geology, speleogenesis, hazards, and mapping.  
The use of caves as a repository of unique records of near and deep time was so 
successful that multiple sessions have been held for the last 2 years.  Caves 
and Karst Across Time, GSA Special Paper 516, has just been published with many 
of the papers included in those sessions over the last 2 years.  There 
certainly would be enough work to support a session on the topic again this 

The time is ripe for one or more short courses as well.  In particular, the 
special methods of study in karst project areas would likely be very welcomed 
by attendees.

You can count on the support of your proposals by the Karst Division.

Let's make another amazing showing for karst and the Karst Division, in its 
second year, at GSA 2016!

Please freely and quickly circulate this amongst all of your contacts, 
colleagues, and mailing lists.

Mawaste po (Be Well)!

Cory BlackEagle (Hunkapa Lakota)

Chair, Karst Division of the Geological Society of America


Karst Field Studies Summer 2016 Courses!


Apologies for any duplication in receiving this announcement. We appreciate 
your patience while we prepared for the upcoming Karst Field Studies courses. 
This message is to officially announce the course lineup for the summer 2016 
Karst Field Studies program.

Western Kentucky University's Center for Human GeoEnvironmental Studies 
(CHNGES) and Department of Geography and Geology are pleased to offer the 
following KFS courses this coming summer:

  *   Karst Geology, June 12-18, Dr. Art Palmer
  *   Cave Survey and Cartography, June 18-24, Dr. Pat Kambesis
  *   Intermediate Cave Techniques, June 24-29, Drs. Jason Polk and Pat Kambesis
  *   Experiential Ecology: Hands-on Subterranean Ecology in the Mammoth Cave 
Region, July 10-16, Dr. Julian "Jerry" Lewis
Courses may be taken for graduate, undergraduate, or continuing education 
credit. Courses may also be taken just for fun as non-credit workshops. 
Registration officially ends May 6, but be sure to sign-up by April 15 for 
discounted registration rates.

Courses are expected to fill-up fast this year! For more information about the 
program, courses, how to register, and instructor bios, please visit<>.

If you have any questions please contact the Karst Field Studies Director, Dr. 
Leslie North, at<>

"Like" us on Facebook at Karst Field Studies (WKU Karst Field Studies). Sign-up 
for our mailing list on our website.

Please help us spread the word about the program by forwarding this message to 
your colleagues, employees, staff, students, friends, and any other parties you 
feel may be interested in this year's courses!

Hope to see you this summer!

Dr. Leslie A. North
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography and Geology
Associate Director of Education
Hoffman Environmental Research Institute
Western Kentucky University
1906 College Heights Blvd., EST 438A
Bowling Green, KY 42101
(270) 745-5982


International Water Association Conference: Karst Aquifer Management Session
International Course: Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers

The IWA Specialist Groundwater Conference will be held in Belgrade on 9-11 
June, and one of its topics is Karst Aquifer Management. I am Co-Chair of the 
event while Neven Kresic and I will jointly moderate this Karst session. 
Although organized by IWA, the role of IAH in groundwater management will be 
especially emphasized and Ms. Teodora Szosc, Vice-President of IAH, also 
Co-Chair of the conference will have plenary presentation on IAH organization 
and activities. The one-day excursion is scheduled for 11 June and we shall 
visit some of the features in karst of Carpathian Mts. in eastern Serbia. The 
deadline for abstracts is formally 1 February, but we would for sure accept all 
received until the end of that month. So, there is still time to apply and to 
have some more "karst" colleagues present here. Additional favor is very cheap 
fee, thanks to the sponsors it is less than half what we usually pay worldwide. 
An additional deduction will be applied for colleagues coming from low income 
countries. More information:

The international course "Characterization and Engineering of Karst Aquifers" 
for the third time will take place in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina between 30 
May and 5 June. This year we also expect at least 20-25 colleagues and about 10 
lecturers from USA, Italy, Austria, Croatia and Serbia. Thanks to the support 
of UNESCO the students will not be charged with any fee, even they will receive 
some incentives to cover already cheap local accommodation cost. We thus 
encourage participation of young researchers and hope that this call will be 
transferred to them via our KC members. More information:

Zoran Stevanovich


National Speleological Society Convention: Section of Cave Geology and 
Geography call for abstracts

Hi all,

I am looking for abstracts for this summer's NSS convention in Ely, Nevada. 
Please share this request with anyone else who you think might be interested.

Call for Abstracts
The NSS Section of Cave Geology and Geography is accepting abstracts for 
presentations at the Geology and Geography Session of the 2016 NSS Convention, 
to be held July 16-23 in Eli, Nevada. Each year, the Geology and Geography 
Section of the NSS hosts talks featuring the latest research in geology, 
hydrology, speleogenesis, and many other topics related to caves and karst. All 
abstracts will be considered for oral presentations unless a poster 
presentation is specifically requested. At this time, we have not reserved 
poster space, but could accommodate a poster session if there is sufficient 
interest and enough advance notice is given to convention organizers. As we did 
last year, we also encourage interested researchers to bring posters from other 
conferences such as GSA, AGU, and ICS that may be of interest to attendees at 
convention. This provides an additional opportunity to share your work with 
your colleagues.

Abstracts may be no more than 250 words in length (this limit must be strictly 
met). In addition to the text, the abstracts should contain the title of the 
paper, and the name(s), address(es), and email address(es) of the author(s). 
The abstracts should be informative summaries that include the conclusions, and 
not lists of topics that "...will be discussed." Bibliographies and references 
should not be given in the abstracts. Papers may be submitted for either oral 
presentation as a poster. Please specify your preference when submitting your 

Please send any questions and your abstracts to:
Katherine Schmid<>.

The deadline for abstracts is May 20, 2015. Early submissions are encouraged. 
Confirmation notes will be sent to everyone sending an abstract. Details on 
presentations times, dates, and other information will be sent to all confirmed 
participants after the deadline. For online details about the convention, 
visit: The talks are generally twenty minutes long 
and include time for questions.

Thank you and I hope to see you all this summer,
Katie Schmid


35th International Geological Congress
27 August - 4 September, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

Call for abstracts for the symposium: The Quaternary System: Precision and 
Reliability in Global Correlation (convener: M. J. Head).

The Quaternary System, beginning 2.58 Ma, provides unequalled access to marine 
and terrestrial sediments and ice-core archives, and offers unique 
opportunities for testing chronostratigraphic utility. Marine isotope stages 
form the backbone of Quaternary stratigraphy. Along with their substages, they 
are often treated as if strictly synchronous, but small leads and lags between 
different marine basins should be expected and will hinder precise temporal 
correlation. Most marine isotope stages for the past one million years have 
been divided into substages.  While these substages potentially increase 
stratigraphic precision, they not always recognized reliably or at global 
extent.  Paleomagnetic reversals represent critical datums in Quaternary 
chronostratigraphy: the Gauss-Matuyama and Matuyama-Brunhes boundaries, for 
example, are important guides respectively for the base of the Quaternary and 
Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary; and the Blake Event should prove useful 
within the Upper Pleistocene.  However, lock-in depth and remagnetization can 
reduce reliability, and the duration of polarity reversals and even their 
precise timing are questioned. Mediterranean sapropels, loess-paleosol 
sequences, ice cores, speleothem archives, micropaleontological records, and 
radiometric dating all have inherent limitations for fine-scale global 
correlation.  With the increasing need to distinguish cause from effect in 
Quaternary processes, this symposium aims to explore precision and reliability 
in global correlation.

Abstracts due 31 January 2016


The Balkan Speleological Union and
SC "PRISTA"- Ruse organize:

The Fourth Balkan Photo contest
"We And Caves"

All speleologists and cave lovers are invited to send their photographs. Every 
contestant can participate with up to 6 photos (max. 3 in the two categories):

1. People Underground.
2. The Beauty of the Caves.

The Photographs must be sent by e-mail to 
we.and.caves(еt)<> until 01.04.2016. 
Parallel with the sending of photos the competitors should fill full the Entry 
form available here <>  and apply it! 
Photos without Entry form are not accepted!

The photographs must be taken in 2015 and must have a title, author and place 
(the cave). The recommended volume of the digital files must be up to 4 MB, in 
JPEG or JPG format, and at least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 
1,600 pixels tall (if a vertical image).

By sending the photographs authors agree that they can be used by the 
organizers in exhibitions, posters, calendars, advertising materials for 
popularization of speleology.

The selection committee (consisting of 5 people) will select the winners: 
first, second and third place in every category. The best photographs will be 
awarded with charters and prizes (caving coveralls, bags etc. by the sponsor of 
the contest - "Landjoff"<>). The photographs from the 
contest will be exhibited during The Balkan Cavers Camp in June 2014 in 
Bulgaria and in other Balkan countries.

For more information:
E-mail: we.and.caves (et)<mailto:we.and.caves%20(et)>, 
speleo.prista(et)<> and phone: +359 878 
472421, +359 888 221 234

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