Hi Everyone.

I just to obtain a permission from the new authorities of the goverment on
Nuevo León, to start the survey project  on Bustamante Cave. this
permission is for two years

Do you want come to participe with me to finish the survey?

Please let me know if you are interest? write me at this email and I can
answer all your questions.

If you really wants to help me on Bustamante Cave survey, please contact me.


Mónica Ponce

And let me tell you, in past time about some people of this clube anounced
information about the birthday passage. I'm so sorry about it. but now,
they are not more members this association, so you don't have problems with



Coordinadora de la Comisión Internacional de Técnicas y Materiales de la UIS

Instructor Nacional Certificado de Espeleología por la FMAS

Directora de MP- Mex Caving

Asociación Coahuilense de Espeleología, A.C. (Fundadora)

Asociación Italiana Geográfica La Venta (Socia)

Centro de Estudios Kársticos La Venta (Socia)

Grupo Espeleológico Vaxakmen, A.C. (Socia)

Grupo Espeleológico EspeleoZots en Chetumal (Asesora)

Grupo Pionero de Espeleología en Sonora  (Asesora)

Association for Mexican Cave Studies (Colaboradora)

Texas Speleological Association (Socia)

Unión Mexicana de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas (Socia)
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