Many KY cavers still love a Sara Corrie story.
See you at Ely.

Preston Forsythe,  Browder, KY

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 10:59 PM, Mixon Bill via 
Texascavers<> wrote:   From Squire Lewis's journal 
of 1964 NSS convention:

> June 15, 1964, Monday. New Braunfels, Texas, Cypress Creek campground. Heavy 
> rain in a.m., glad for tent. At Imperial Motel 9 a.m., registered, found out 
> we should have been at Devil's Sinkhole in West Texas. Left, arrived 12:30 
> p.m., ran into Corrie mob in middle of wilderness, hooked up with same. Sara, 
> George, and Bruce Corrie, Ted Will, Forry, Andrea, Tom Smith. Doubled back 
> and ate in Rocksprings cafe, Lacey's—incredible scene, twenty-two of us 
> served family style, all we could eat, huge platters of chicken-fried steaks, 
> pork chops, fried chicken, etc. etc. Cost $2 each. Loafed on village square, 
> no hurry as there was a long line at the pit. San Angelo Times runs feature 
> article on the cavers, referring to us as resembling a "scene from Tobacco 
> Road." Lowered into the pit about 6 p.m., out at 7:30 in time for the bat 
> flight. The UT Grotto has lowered 203 cavers into the pit without a major 
> incident using a climbing rope rigged through a pulley to a car that they 
> drive back and forth. Our group got special permission to camp at sinkhole 
> from Mr. Witworth. Four rappelled in at midnight: Sara Corrie, Bill Kohler, 
> Bill Jasper, and Roger Craig.

Try to get permission to rappel in now. -- Mixon
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