No gate is absolutely foolproof, and there are an awful lot of fools out
there.  I have even seen entrances encased in concrete, and I mean FEET of
concrete, reopened by persistent vandals.  What we try to do is to keep out
99% of the would- be trespassers while maintaining airflow, humidity,
nutrient flow, and other key components of the cave ecosystem in as natural
of a state as possible.  For the other, more persistent types, we hope that
frequent visitation and monitoring catches their efforts before completed.
We make repairs, again and again if necessary, and hopefully they get bored
and move on to some other nefarious endeavor.

-- Jim

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Geary Schindel via Texascavers <> wrote:

> Jim,
> Considering the availability of high torque battery operated tools these
> days, are you seeing cave gates breached more often or is this a mouse trap
> issue of the available tools are better so the gates must get better also.
> Geary
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