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From: International Karstological School <>
Subject: 24. mednarodna krasoslovna šola / 24th International Karstological 
Date: April 5, 2016 at 5:39:38 AM CDT
To: International Karstological School <>

Dear colleagues,

 I would like to remind you that just 1 month left to register for the 24th 
International Karstological School. I am very pleased to announce honoured 
keynote and invited speakers: prof dr. Andrea Mindzsenty (Eötvös Loránd 
University, Budapest), prof. dr. Pavel Bosak (Institute of Geology of the CAS, 
v.v.i., Prague), prof. dr. Armstrong Osborne (The University of Sydney), dr. 
Roman Aubrecht (Comenius University, Bratislava), dr. Mihovil Brlek (Croatian 
Geological Survey, Zagreb), mag. Adrijan Košir (Paleontological Institute Ivan 
Rakovec ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana) and dr. Bojan Otoničar (Karst Research Institute 
ZRC SAZU, Postojna) as representative of the conference organiser.

Their presentations will cover a wide range of topics directly or indirectly 
related to paleokrast studies, such as definition of paleokarst, large scale 
paleokarst, paleokarst events related to geotectonic evolution, karstic 
bauxites, forebulge related paleokarst, stratigraphic hierarchy of paleokarst, 
paleokarst exposed in caves, the demarcation between paleokarst and ancient 
sediments and paleokarst and phantom rock, calcretes and root related features 
in paleokarst, unconformities and filled cavities in carbonate record that are 
not related to paleokarst, i.e. neptunian dykes, stromatactis, inhnofossils, 
hardgrouds, firmgrounds… 

The whole day field trip will visit outstanding paleokarst outcrop (unroofed 
caves, cave deposits, entrance cave deposits, bauxite, “blue-hole” deposits, 
transgressive palustrine deposits…) along the beach of Ubac Peninsula near 
Koromačno on the eastern coast of Istria (Croatia) and old bauxite mines near 
Buzet. The outcrops are part of regional Cretaceous-Paleogene paleokarst in SW 
Slovenia and W Croatia related to a forebulge unconformity. The same paleokarst 
will be observed also during a half day excursion to classical karst at Kozina 
(SW Slovenia) and Devin (Duino) (NW Italy) where vertebrate remains (bones and 
teeth of dinosaurs and crocodiles) were found in paleokarstic pit and 
depression. A stop will be also near Sežana where interesting phantom karst is 
exposed (dedolomite). Another half day excursion will lead us to the outcrops 
of Turonian to Santonian paleokarst north from Postojna where small bauxite 
mines are preserved and to the outcrop of Upper Jurassic bauxites on the SE 
flank of the Nanos Plateau.

As usual last whole day excursion will be dedicated to classical karst, this 
time to Ljubljanica river catchment area (Križna jama water cave, Cerknica and 
Planina polje, karstic springs of Ljubljanica River in Vrhnika and collapse 
dolines above them, Upper Jurassic bauxite above Vrhnika) with special emphasis 
on transmission of flooding wave through the karst aquifer. During the school 
it will be possible to visit also Postojna cave which is less than 1 km from 
the conference hall. Because the excursions will cover relatively wide and 
contrasting karstic regions of Slovenia and NW Croatia, beside paleokarst, it 
will be possible to observe many different karstic landscapes (from the sea of 
the Istria Peninsula and Trieste Bay over classical karst to the high karstic 
plateaus of the Northern Dinarides).  

Organizing Committee
Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU / Karst Research Institute at ZRC SAZU
Titov trg 2
6230 Postojna
T: +386 (0)5 700 19 00
F: +386 (0)5 700 19 99
E: <> 

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