Encyclopædia Biospeologica: México, by José Palacios-Vargas, Christian 
Juberthie, and James R. Reddell. International Society for Subterranean Biology 
and Unión Mexicana de Agrupaciones Espeleológica, México D.F., as Mundos 
Subterráneos 26–27; 2015. 8.5 by 11 inches, 101 pages, softbound.

This work was originally begun as a replacement in the second edition for the 
unsatisfactory chapter on Mexico in volume 1 of the Encyclopædia Biospeologica 
that was published in 1994, but no second edition was published, so it was 
expanded into this book. Following some introductory material on the country's 
karst areas and the history of cave biology in Mexico, it contains catalogs of 
the subterranean fauna: aquatic sixteen pages, terrestrial forty-two pages, and 
microbiota eight pages. The twenty-four-page bibliography lists approximately 
six hundred items. It is available in the U.S. for $12 plus postage from the 
Association for Mexican Cave Studies; see 
www.mexicancaves.org/finance/order.html for ordering information and 
www.mexicancaves.org/other/otherpubs.html for details on the book and also 
thousands of pages of free PDF files of other books on Mexican cave 
biology.—Bill Mixon
(Or ask me to take a copy to UT Grotto meeting for you.)
What great comfort is there to be derived from a wife well obeyed!—Anthony 
Trollope, Barchester Towers
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