This Monday's Bexar Grotto meeting will have one of the most epic presentations 
ever. It's a hands-on knot tying workshop. I've personally spent days 
photographing numerous knots and how to tie them step-by-step. It makes Knots 
by Grog look like crap. Well, OK, Knots by Grog is really awesome, but my 
presentation includes some unique tying methods, including a way to tie a 
perfectly sized Alpine Butterfly in just 3 seconds! That's right! Perfect 
length and only 3 seconds to tie! You will NOT find this method in Ashley Book 
of Knots or On Rope or Animated Knots by Grog. And I have unique methods for 
other knots in my presentation, too.

If you're new to caving and knots, you definitely don't want to miss this. Even 
if you're experienced, you don't want to miss the unique ways to tie these 
well-known caving knots. If you're somewhere far from San Antonio, like Houston 
or Dallas, it's worth using some vacation time or calling in sick to work so 
you can come see this epic presentation.

Bexar Grotto, 7pm-9pm
Monday, May 23, 2016
Chester's Hamburgers
1006 NE Interstate 410 Loop
San Antonio, TX 78209

If anyone has extra rope sections, about 6-10 feet (2-3m) long, please bring 
them. I will have many available, but I probably won't have enough for everyone.

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