Mark your calendars!  The South-Central Region of the National Cave Rescue
Commission is partnering with the Texas Cave Management Association to put
on an Orientation to Cave Rescue (OCR) workshop the weekend of 16-18
September 2016 at TCMA's Carta Valley fieldhouse at the Deep and Punkin
Cave Nature Preserve.  Spaces are limited and already filling fast.  For
more details, check out the attached flyer, or go to to register.  It's only $50,
including meals.  Even if you don't plan to be involved in cave rescue,
this 2-day workshop will help you to be a safer caver and better prepared
in case you are ever involved in an cave accident.  A combination of
classroom-style lectures and hands-on exercises culminates in a short mock
rescue taking place in one of the two caves on the property.  Come prepared
for long days and a lot of information.

Jim "Crash" Kennedy
TCMA Preserves Committee Chair

Attachment: NCRC OCR Sept 2016 (Kennedy edits).doc
Description: MS-Word document

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