
Here is an announcement on a presentation by Dr. Lehrmann.

Thought you might like to see this.


Edwards Aquifer Philosophical Society -

aka brown bag luncheon

Friday, August 5, 2016 at 11:55 AM.

Permian-Triassic Marine Carbonate Platforms and Karst Features of the 
Nanpanjiang Basin, Guizhou, Guangxi and Yunnan, South China

By Dan Lehrmann, Ph.D.


Edwards Aquifer Authority
Training Room
900 E Quincy Street, San Antonio, TX 78215

Dr. Dan Lehrmann will make a presentation titled: Permian-Triassic Marine 
Carbonate Platforms and Karst Features of the Nanpanjiang Basin, Guizhou, 
Guangxi, and Yunnan, South China." Friday, Agusut 5, 2016 at 11:55 AM. The 
presentation will be held in the Training Room at the Edwards Aquifer 
Authority, 900 E. Quincy Street, San Antonio, Texas. These are informal 
presentations so please feel free to bring your lunch. You may also contact the 
EAA at 210.222.2204 or<> 
for additional directions.

If you are traveling a long distance for the talk, I would recommend that you 
call our receptionist at 210.222.2204 that morning to make sure that the talk 
is still scheduled.  On very rare occasions, we have had to cancel or move the 
talk.  I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Unique exposures in the karst terrain of a large carbonate shelf borders the 
basin and several isolated carbonate platforms within the basin contain a 
history of more than 20 million years, with over 3 km of thickness. The basin 
experienced active tectonics, the greatest mass extinction of the Phanerozoic 
and major changes in climate and ocean chemistry. The area is therefore a 
natural laboratory for investigating the mechanisms controlling carbonate 
platform evolution and architecture.  Spectacular karst features are evident 
from the macro to micro scale and include: conical towers, tower karst 
plateaus, karst valleys and sinkholes, deep gorges, underground rivers, 
spectacular caves, and rock forests.  Karst forms are especially dramatic at 
carbonate platform margins where there are rapid changes in facies from densely 
cemented platform limestone to deep-marine non-carbonate lithologies.
Dan Lehrmann is the Pyron Professor of Geoscience at Trinity University. He is 
originally from Wisconsin where he taught at the University of 
Wisconsin-Oshkosh. He specializes in carbonate sedimentology and paleontology. 
He has conducted geological research in south China for 25 years.
 Thank you.



Geary Schindel, P.G.
Chief Technical Officer/Director - Aquifer Science

900 E. Quincy | San Antonio, TX 78215
tel: 210-222-2204, ext. 346<><>



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