From David Locklear, ( hit delete button now, please )

I am probably never using PayPal again.

Somebody just recommended "Venmo" to me and said
it was better than "PayPal," and sort of a PayPal-Lite.

It appears to work exactly the same way as PayPal.  Just put in the person's
email address.

I just signed up, but have not tried it yet.

I am going to give Venmo a try

Please contact me privately and share your good or bad experiences with
online payment services.

I wish I had known about it 2 months ago, but I have never needed to use
an online payment service.    I guess I am an old enough geezer that I still
feel uncomfortable with purchasing things on the internet.

Thank you.


P.S.    Did you hear the exciting news about possible snow at the 2018
NSS Convention ?

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( Check out the app Gnome-Boxes if you haven't tried that yet. )
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