On Aug 23, 2016, at 16:48, Don Arburn via Texascavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>> wrote:

51 Days Left!!

Bring this up at your grotto meetings!!

TCR needs confirmations for the following volunteers:

•Dish washers: Sheryl, Dale (2 more!)

•Firewood gathering, work to be done at the park soon!!! Contact me.

•Door Prize Vixens to give out prizes!

••isn’t it time for Wolves to do the job???  Gender equality, please . . .

Katherine Arens Office Phone: (512) 232-6363
ar...@austin.utexas.edu<mailto:ar...@austin.utexas.edu> Dept. Phone:  (512) 
Dept. of Germanic Studies FAX (512) 471-4025
2505 University Ave, C3300  Bldg.Location:  Burdine 336
University of Texas at Austin Office:  Burdine 320
Austin, TX  78712-1802

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