Carrizal was my 2nd cave in Mexico in late December of 1984.

I had only been horizontal caving in about 20 small Texas caves, and the 3
big caves in Langtry.   I had not yet met any cavers outside of about 8
A.S.S. cavers.   ( Although, Ronnie Feiseler had giving a special slide
presentation at my first A.S.S. meeting in late September of 1984. )

We had done all the lower passages of Palmito the day before Carrizal.

I learned how to say guano after Carrizal, as I thought it was called "bat
The mayor's staff in Candela could not locate a key to the ejido gate, so
we parked about 1-1/2 mile north of the cave and hiked in.

Trip leader was James Mueller, who had some caving experience and might
have had some idea where the cave was.   ( He lives now in the Burnett area
and is a songbird specialist, and former professor of horn-toads. )

Other participants were Mary Kay Manning who is an expert professional
naturalist, and daughter of old-timer caver James Manning.   She nearly
died on our hike to Precipicio the following day, and was saved from
rolling off the big cliff by a lechuguilla plant.

Jim Hudson, of Boerne, who would the next day would risk his life to save
mine in the first drop of Precipicio ( my 2nd time on rope and first time
in a cave ).

Also, Freddie Platt of Houston who seemed like a young gung-ho caver, but
disappeared around 1985 ( meaning he lost contact with anybody I knew that
knew him. )

Steve Tonnesen now of Austin who has been an a electrical engineer for 30
years.    Steve saved my life about 3 hours later on my 3rd time on rope (
2nd pit in Precipicio )
He is probably a good canoeist or kayaker by now or owns a yacht.   He was
the only smart Aggie I ever met.   Had he not saved my life, the other 4
cavers below me would have been trapped and died of dehydration.   ( As I
was wearing the only vertical gear the 6 cavers had ).   Steve was above me
and had a rockclimber's Figure-8, but he had no harness and had only used a
Figure-8 once in his life rappelling at Enchanted Rock.

Surprisingly, they all went caving with me again in 1985.
Steve and I did a canoe trip north of Dallas in 1988, and never heard from
him again.   Freddie and I did some ridgewalking in the hill-country in
1985.   Jim and his wife and I and an female Aggie caver, Audry Wright went
to Klar's Ranch Salamander Cave near Boerne in 1987.   I never saw him
again.   We send each other a Christmas greeting on Facebook.    Mary Kay
and I did 2 trips to the Guads and we have met up to socialize once a
year.   I bumped into her on a beach near the Boliver Peninsula about 2
years ago.   I never heard from Jim Hudson ever again after Precipicio.
He was supposedly a member of the informal group called The Boerne
Speleomaniacs in 1984 and 85 and was not an Aggie.

Anyways, I took cavers once a year to Carrizal in 1985, 86, 87, etc up
until about 1994.

It is all a blurry fuzzy memory of forgotten names and forgotten faces, and
we did not take photos.

Carrizal was always for us just a side trip before or after the principal
primary destination.

There are 200+ nicer caves in Mexico.   But it is an opportunity for a good
cave-diver to push it one more time.

David Locklear
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