from David Locklear,

I am self-employed and in theory, I could leave Houston at 5 p.m. today,
Thursday, and drive non-stop to Paradise Canyon in my luxurious 4x4 Sequoia.

However, that would be a very irresponsible thing to do, and a bad business
decision.    ( I get over half of my weekly jobs ) on Friday afternoon, and
I do not want my competitors getting my client, as I probably would never
get that client back.

That would also mean leaving Houston in hellacious traffic.

Also, I would have to charge the trip on plastic, and I haven't yet paid
for my NSS Convention trip.

Also, I might have to leave Paradise Canyon if a client calls.

Also, my estranged-wife is celebrating her 55th birthday at our house on
Saturday afternoon, and I have not yet decided if I am going to that.
There will be some hot drunk girls there from Tamaulipas, Mexico and
Colombianas and Argentinas, and more, so that is one reason to stay home.

But I do want to be at TCR as much as you all do.

I have not been swimming since the Waynesville, NSS Convention.

David Locklear
NSS # 27639

Tel.:   two81-995-8487 ( text-line )
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