I reached TCR Thursday night before midnight and socialized with 20 cavers
for an hour.

I slept in the backseat of my Sequoia, ( although it is possible to fold
the seats and make a nice bed ).

I was drenching in sweat.   I should have jumped in the shower before
bed.    I never even needed a sheet to cover with.    But either flies or
gnats kept me from getting a good nights sleep.

Most of the earliest arrivals were the San Antonio and Austin regulars, but
there was a Dallas caver and Houston caver.    An enthusiast group of
Sea-Aggies from Galveston have a floating snorkling party barge.   I make a
motion that that should become a new official tradition.

Friday morning was very quiet, and people were fairly laid back just
chilling at their camp, in the shade as it was too hot for anything else.
One caver went kayaking.

However, not Pete Strickland.   He was busting his *** in the hot sun
trying to get the party area set up.    A few volunteers chipped in to
offer the help with the lighter task.    I unrolled a carpet which is
something I have probably only done 3 times in my life.

Internet service for T-Mobile is good one mile north of TCR next to the
sign reading, " High Mountain Ranch."

I am definitely spending the night, and going swimming, but not sure what I
am staying after breakfast.

I think I lucked out in that the work I missed today can be done on Monday,
but it is going to be a very difficult day.   The main thing I missed was
collecting money and spending time with my kid.

I recommend bringing something to keep the gnats from your face, but they
are not biting.

Bring sandals and swimming shoes, as it is too hot for hiking boots or even

You don't need a tent.   Sleep out under the stars.

Maybe hang a sticky fly trap over your head.

The swimming area is a 9 out of 10 with very nice scenery, making it seem
like a 9.5.

I think there is plenty of beer.

I do not drink beer.   If anyone has an extra Smirnoff Ice that they don't
need, that will work for me.

I may go into town and stock up, as I did not bring an ice chest or any
other gear.

David Locklear
NSS #27639
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