>From David Locklear,

I do not have any way to share this private story with all my caving
friends, so please bare with me.
( Charlie & Company, please hit the delete button )

In October of 2004, I announced on CaveTex that I had pro-created
( alarming dozens of people ), and I nicknamed my kid "CavePearl."
I had grand ambitions of teaching her all the incredible things I know about
caves and caving and speleology ( LOL ! ).     But that failed.

She still does go by CavePearl, and she
has attended very briefly NSS Conventions in 2005 in Huntsville and 2006 in
Bellingham, but to this date, the only cave related experience she has had
a tour trip of Rickwood Caverns near Birmingham at 10 months old and slept
whole way.

Anyways, fast forward to this week, and here she is doing one the many
things she enjoys,
which is performing folkloric dances.


She is performing to the viewer's right.

I still hope to at least take her on some tours of commercial caves, but
taking her on a
real caving trip with me caving with her seems quite unrealistic at this
point.     One of the
caves I hope to take her to, is Alabaster Caverns in Oklahoma.

She has a unique Spanish accent when she speaks Spanish, and has a natural
translation skill that you just can't learn in school.    Her favorite
music is by Parry Gripp,
and I would be surprised if any of you have heard of that.    She will be
finishing the first
half of the 6th grade in the next week or so.

We will most likely be in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico on Christmas Eve and

There is a 10% chance I will show my face in San Antonio this coming

David Locklear
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