Sort of caving related post by David Locklear

Here is my nomination for Cave-Video of the Month ( December 2016 ):

Below are 3 other videos of merit:

In the video below, please skip to 8:57 to see a photo taken in the
twilight zone of an alpine cave.

The first 7:23 is the hike to the cave, and the rest of the video the
photographer is explaining why he is doing what he is doing.

I am posting this as it is new video uploaded a few days ago,
assuming that not many people have seen it.

The cave cuts thru the hill and exits the other side.    They continue
climbing higher to get some scenic photos of the ridge.

Here is another speleo-bicycling video

The video below shows a guy working on his property with a solo-mining
to mine a void of passages that resemble a cave in a sandstone bedrock, (
see his prior video to understand
what he is trying to accomplish )

There are several new videos under the category 3D Photoscan.     I am not
those, but they are worth looking at if you are in to that sort of thing.

Below is an example:

David Locklear

P.S.     Telenovela related:

I am on an unpaid furlough for the next 10 days,
but I can not go far from home, in case a client does
call.     If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being near
the town of Arcola,
then please feel free to join me to have a taco.   I will be in the town of
Webster one
day next week to visit an elderly relative in the hospital.   Anyone out
there live in Webster ?
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