This post is a personal one about my daughter's quick recovery.

The pediatrician insist that some pre-pubescent children go into very deep
sleeps and it is best to first poke them with a sewing pin and then pour
cold water on them.    I did try tickling the bottom of her feet, while the
paramedics were giving her oxygen.

Had I had an assistant, we would have checked her pulse. And we would have
tried cold water, but I had no earthly idea that my wife left the
neighborhood to bang on the fire station door in a state of complete
hysteria.   I still do not know if she was able to make contact with 911,
as she does not want to talk about it and is all cavalier about the whole
incident, praying to Maria the VoG, rubbing that d*mned-rosary thing, so
that it wont ever happen again.    I did not even know if that station was
really ready for a "medical" emergency.

The paramedics did not seem to react very quickly at first, once they found
she had a pulse.   It took them at least 2 minutes to get her to wiggle any
facial movement.   And about 3 before her legs started to move.
They gave her an injection of Diazapam, but I have no idea what else.

She is acting like a rude brat today and has missed 2 days of school.   And
I missed 2 days of work, scared to leave the house.
Her grandmother just came back from Mexico this morning. So now she will
get lots of concoctions not found in stores.

I plan to buy a foghorn to wake up the neighbors and the paramedics and a
searchlight mounted on the roof of the house, and a flare-gun, etc.

I would like to get her to eat normal, but she refuses.  My biological
father and my maternal grandmother would have beat me very hard had I been
like her, and they both did.

David Locklear
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