Hi David,

Don't despair. You always have friends out in the caving family.

The Bockbeerians are just having their fun. Not enough drama in the world I 
guess so they make it up for grins. 

Cheers !

Jerry Atkinson.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 1, 2017, at 11:13 AM, David via Texascavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com> wrote:

> I just received my copy of the NSS News - February 2017 issue
> by email.
> I have not been paying attention, so I do not know if that is the
> first time this has ever happened.
> But upon clicking on the provided graphical link, I was able to
> easily log on because I have my NSS # memorized.      That login
> procedure is a very good idea, and extremely well implemented.
> The issue of the NSS News loaded in less than a second, I think.
> The graphics or image of the issue was beautiful.  ( I am using
> a FreeBSD computer and I had no problems ).
> This issue features a very professional article by Bob Richards.
> Bob was a member of the Greater Houston Grotto for several years,
> and was very active in the club.       I recall sometime around 1996, that
> GHG was not doing a whole lot of stuff, and along came Bob, who presented
> himself as a caver from California.      At that time from my perspective, the
> caving club ( due to the work nature in Houston ) would get a lot of 
> transient guest
> who were in town for a few months working.     So my immediate impression
> of Bob, was he might be one of those.     But the 2nd meeting, he brought an
> awesome slide show.      And he continued to do that or offer to do that at
> every meeting thereafter, for the next 10 years.     He hosted at least one 
> party at his cool house
> where he had a real impressive library mostly devoted to caving topics, and 
> he showed
> everybody his computer and how he made his award-winning maps.    We did
> not realize he was a famous speleo-cartographer.     At that time, I had only
> been to the 94 NSS Convention.    Anyways, after all that, I was extremely 
> impressed
> with Bob's dedication to caving.     He was and still is one of my greatest 
> inspirations in life.    His lovely
> wife ( R.I.P. ) also made the most beautiful little quilts that had a real 
> cave theme.   The
> quilts were very unique formed by tiny little pieces of cloth partially sewn 
> to the quilt, like
> feathers or leaves dangling from the quilt..   Bob left for greener pastures 
> somewhere 
> around Durango, Colorado about 10 years ago and he was sorely missed.      
> That was about 
> the same time, I stopped going to meetings, although I had not been a regular 
> full-time 
> active member since 1995.    
> I was very interested in cartography in high school, and made an impressive 
> drawing, my sophmore
> year in 1980.    I placed 3rd place in the state UIL drafting competition as 
> a sophmore competing with
> about 30 juniors and seniors.      I was still working as a 
> contract-draftsman or had aspirations to be a 
> draftsman when I first met Bob, but after seeing Bob's work, I felt I would 
> never be that competent in
> cartography.   I changed careers in 1998, but I doubt that experience played 
> a role.    I just could
> not find a stable job drafting, and was going to have to take a risk to 
> re-learn everything, and instead,
> I just said to heck with it.
> But back to the NSS News,     
> I think every member needs to get on-board with receiving
> their NSS News via email, or at least make some effort to reduce cost or 
> reduce wasting
> paper and ink.     I have boxes full of old issues of NSS News, and I cherish 
> them, but I am not sure if I will ever
> find time to read any of them, unless I live a long time in a nursing home, 
> that will let me
> have my speleo-library.    That seems unrealistic at this point.
> On to another topic, not related to anything,
> And if you are still reading this email, I would like to take a moment to 
> defend myself
> from the humorous attempts of the Bockbeerist.       I have no earthly idea 
> what their
> secret agenda really is.      I have no relation to this cartoon character.   
>  He does not look
> like me, and I don't drink beer, and Bock-flavored beers are my least 
> favorite.    So if you
> see or hear them going on a tantrum, it is your prerogative whether or not to 
> give them
> any credibility.        
> As far as the topic goes of people using me for a punching bag, it started
> long before I got involved in caving.      I have lived like a gypsy since I 
> was born and I never
> lived anywhere more than a few months until just recently, and I still live 
> more like a 
> truck-driver.     The point is I never lived in the Hill Country or made 
> friendly bonds with a
> lot of those people, so when I would go on a rant about caving, they had no 
> idea who I was
> or where I had been or what I had accomplished.    I can sleep knowing I made 
> a minor contribution
> to caving, eventhough I had low financial resources and lived many hours 
> drive from 
> caves my entire life.    I have never broken a bone in my entire life, and 
> except for a bad twisted
> ankle, from an injury on the Texas A&M Bonfire in 1982, I have never been 
> clumsy.    At the moment,
> I am just too overweight and out of shape to take on a real caving trip.    I 
> know I would be
> an accident waiting to happen.    But I still love caves, and hope to find 
> some caves I can 
> safely go in.
> I do not have any friends or any real family, except for my mom and daughter 
> and a half-sister
> in Mansfield.   My acquaintances in the caving community, and you know who 
> you are are
> my closest friends.     I have only known one caver in 33 years that went out 
> their way to not be 
> on my friend list.    It is not who you think it is.
> On another topic, 
> My daughter has shown no signs of health issues since her incident on January 
> 5th.    All
> the test results showed she is perfectly fine.      My theory is she drowned 
> in 
> her sleep, somehow.     We will never know what happened.     I have lost a 
> whole lot of sleep, but
> I am just going to have to forget it, and hope it never happens again.
> See you all at the Spring Convention.
> David Locklear
> NSS # 27639
> ( Author of 16 YouTube videos on TrueOS under the pseudonym, El McFrolicker )
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