Dear Friends,

This week’s announcements from NCKRI and our friends are:

·       Karst Interest Group Meeting: Registration is Open

·       Post-Karst Interest Group Activity

·       44th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, Dubrovnik, 

·       International Clean-up of Gouffre Berger, France

·       Man and Karst 2017 International Scientific Meeting, Zadar, Croatia

·       5th International Contest of Children’s Drawings: "Caves in the Eyes of 
our Children"

·       List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

As always, feel free to share this message and please contact the people and 
organizations listed below for more information.



Karst Interest Group Meeting: Registration is Open

How to Sign Up at University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Website

for the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Workshop

May 16-18, 2017

San Antonio, Texas, USA

Hosted by the Student Geological Society and student chapters of the 
Association of Petroleum Geologists and the Association of Engineering 


This is a fundraiser for all three student chapters hosting the workshop and we 
suggest a donation of $25 for non-students and $15 for students.

This is a charitable donation and for USGS or other Federal employees must be 
from personal funds, but is tax deductible (DO NOT USE YOUR GOVERNMENT CREDIT 
CARD).  The student chapters will purchase light refreshments for the technical 
sessions so we are hoping that the donations will offset those costs.  Feel 
free to donate more than the recommended amounts as the student organizations 
will find good use for the funds.  Additionally, people that make a donation 
will receive a hard copy of the proceedings.

Go to the Student Geological Society, UTSA KIG website.

NOTE- Two-step process to sign-up as the Donations button is separate from the 
Sign-Up for KIG button.  Please do both.

1- Donations button will take you to a donation page that you can choose the 
amount you would like to donate and the designation is automatically set to 
UTSA Geological Society with one-time gift selected.

2-Please Sign-Up for KIG for the workshop and indicate if you plan to 
participate on the Thursday field trip and are willing to drive (note need SUV 
or truck or car high off the ground for a couple of stops).  We will use the 
sign up information for making hard copies of the proceedings, field trip guide 
and to help organize carpools for the field trip.


Tuesday and Wednesday technical sessions are at different locations at UTSA 
(campus map available on this webpage)


Post-Karst Interest Group Activity

Dr. E. Scott Bair, Professor Emeritus at Ohio State University will be the 
Edwards Aquifer Authority’s 22nd Distinguished Lecture Speaker on Friday, May 
19, 2017. The lecture will begin at 9 am and will end around 4:00 pm.

The lecture is titled Who Done It? Investigative Insights and Answers to Three 
Groundwater Mysteries. One of the subjects of Dr. Bair’s talk is a hazardous 
waste site in Woburn, Massachusetts which became nationally known because of a 
book and movie titled “A Civil Action.” Dr. Bair will be discussing his 
evaluation and findings of the Woburn site along with work he has performed 
over his career.

Dr. Bair has taught courses in earth science, water resources, environmental 
geology, speleology, petroleum geology, hydrogeology, field methods, and 
groundwater flow modeling. 1n 1991, he received the Ohio State award for 
teaching excellence. He also served six years as department chair and has 
worked on projects for the Ohio DNR, Ohio EPA, NSF, USEPA, USDOE, USDA< USGS, 
and OSU.

Dr. Bair is a fellow of the Geological Society of America, recipient of its 
Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer, and former chair of its Hydrogeology 

To register for the event please visit the website below.<>

If you have any questions about the EAA Distinguished lecture, please feel free 
to contact Rachel Mitchell or Geary Schindel at 210.222.2204.


44th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia

The 44th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) 
Congress will be held on 25-29 September 2017 in Dubrovnik, Croatia,

The abstract submission deadline is 15 March 2017. The IAH Karst Commission 
will award its Young Karst Researcher Prizes at this congress. The Karst 
Commission meeting is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, September 26th. 
Karst hydrogeology is one of the main topics of this congress, and several 
keynote lectures will address karst-related research topics (two of the five 
keynote lecturers are Karst Commission members). For more information and to 
register, visit


International Clean-up of Gouffre Berger, France

The Gouffre Berger is the world’s first cave explored to a depth of more than 
1,000 m. It is located in southern France in the fabulous Vercors karst.

Speleologists from all countries are invited to participate in the 
international event "BERGER 2017" for the cleaning of Gouffre Berger on 1-15 
August 2017.

For more Information visit:

Man and Karst 2017 International Scientific Meeting, Zadar, Croatia

Man and Karst 2017 is being organized to occur on 26-29 June 2017 in Zadar, 
Croatia. The Karst Commissions of the International Association of 
Hydrogeologists and International Geophysical Union are co-organizing this 
scientific meeting. For the more information, including the conference 
circular, visit:


5th International Contest of Children’s Drawings: "Caves in the Eyes of our 

The Ukrainian Speleological Association (UkrSA), the Editors’ board of UkrSA’s 
The Light magazine, and UkrSA Commission Children and Cave" invite young 
artists to take part in the 5th International Contest of Children’s Drawings: 
"Caves in the Eyes of our Children".

For more information visit:<>


List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

1)         Karst Waters Institute Awards Dinner for James Reddell, 4 March 2017 
(San Marcos, Texas, USA),

2)           Hypogea 2017: International Congress of Speleology in Artificial 
Cavities, 6-10 March 2017 (Cappadocia, Turkey),<>-

3)           Geological Society of America Northeast and North-Central Meeting 
Karst Sessions, 19-21 March 2017 (Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA),

4)         Biospeleology Congress, 7-9 April 2017 (Cagliari, Italy),

5)         Solution Mining Research Institute Technical Conference, 23-26 April 
2017 (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA),

6)         US Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Meeting, 16-18 May 2017 
(San Antonio, Texas, USA).

7)         III International Symposium of Speleology, 29 April – 1 May 2017 
(Varenna, Villa Monastero – Lake Como, Italy),

8)         Climate Record: The Karst Record VIII, 21-24 May 2017, (Austin, 
Texas, USA),

9)         25th International Karstological School “Classical Karst”: 
Milestones and challenges in Karstology, 19-23 June 2017 (Postojna, Slovenia),

10)      National Speleological Society Convention, 19-23 June 2017 (Rio 
Rancho, New Mexico, USA),

11)      National Association of Mining History Organisations Conference 2017, 
23-26 June 2017 (Godstone, Surrey, UK),

12)      Man and Karst 2017 International Scientific Meeting, 26-29 June 
(Zadar, Croatia),

13)        17th International Congress of Speleology, 23-30 July 2017 (Sydney, 
New South Wales, Australia),

14)        International Clean-up of Gouffre Berger, 1-15 August 2017 (Vercors, 

15)      Biospeleology Conference, 21-23 September 2017 (Seville, Spain),

16)      44th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 25-29 
September 2017 (Dubrovnik, Croatia),

17)        Geological Society of America Convention, 22-25 October (Seattle, 
Washington, USA),

18)        National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, 16-20 October 2017 
(Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA),

19)        International Conference on Geomorphology, 6-11 November 2017 (New 
Delhi, India), karst session:

20)        The Sinkhole Conference, joint with the 3rd Appalachian Karst 
Symposium, 2-6 April 2018 (Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA),

21)        EuroSpeleo 2018, 23-26 August 2018 (Ebensee, Austria),

22)        24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 20-24 August 
2018 (University of Aveiro, Portugal), website to be announced soon.

George Veni, PhD
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: 575-887-5517
Mobile: 210-863-5919
Fax: 575-887-5523<><>

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