We put up traps. Bait them with good old Purina Hog Bait. Rasberry cool aid
poured over corn or corn dipped in raspberry jam or this hog bait raspberry
gook. Works well. Like I said we killed an average of one a day for two
months. Sometimes you get a column of them. Shoot the tail end pig first
then work up the line. This is somewhat effective until the pigs figure it
out. My friend Al had to use his Glock on one that charged him. 250 pounder
with serious tusks. Going out next week again. Not so much fun but it saves
the ground nesting fowl and snakes. There are two endangered cactus
varieties where I hunt. They are fenced off and protected.

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 11:30 AM, via Texascavers <
texascavers@texascavers.com> wrote:

> This is the best time of year to trap wild pigs.  Fall acorns ect are gone
> and spring greens are not up yet.  Here is a article from TxAgriLife
> extension about best practices
> https://ipmsouth.com/2017/02/21/the-best-window-of-time-to-
> trap-wild-pigs-is-about-to-close/
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