My estranged-wife hired a day-laborer today to clean out "our" garage and
did not tell me.

She threw away my very first real caving pack that had a TSA patch sewn to
it.   She threw away what may be the only know copies of A.S.S. Newsletters
from 1987.   My old Wheat-lamp from the 1987 era.  Several NSS magazines.

The worse damage was my rare family photos which should have never ended up
in the garage to begin with, and my old hard-drives that have all my old
digital personal memories and probably caving memories.

Plus, two electric twinkle-headlamps from the 90s.   And my toolbox with $
100 of tools.   And lots of stuff that some really poor person might want,
like my LP album of "The Rubberband Man."

But Oztotl came to the rescue.

And I managed to dig those items out of the garbage on the street curb.

I ran out of time and energy and may not have got everything.

I thought I had moved everything to my rental storage unit, except for my
2006 Suzuki Bergman 650 scooter and my 1999 Camry.

Someday when I am in a better frame of mind, I will put the details of the
entire story in a blog but it won't be a pretty story.

You can not imagine the peace of mind I get living in a motel.   I can
offer anyone a wonderful hot-shower if they are passing by, and a nice spot
on the floor to sleep.

David Locklear
281-995-8487 ( text-line )
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