Dear Sleaze:
Donald Foxhall an old seas dog and caver is in Belize building a mansion to
retire in. Not sure where but I betcha you could find him. As for that
hotel. Ethnomusicologist Emory Whipple and I stayed there in 1969. And
those silly Gurkhas were there then to and some British MP's that stopped a
big brawl between the regular Brits soldiers and a bunch of locals over

On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 6:02 PM, Sleazeweazel via Texascavers <> wrote:

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> Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 19:02:57 -0400
> Subject: Oztotl not a Mayan god!
> So I'm palling it up with my pistol packing ranger buddy Canti (which
> means "snake" in Kekchi) and I ask if he knows about Oztotl and pays him
> the proper respect by throwing virgins into cenotes, etc. He screwed up his
> nose and said, "That's not a Mayan word, certainly not Kekchi, sounds more
> like Toltec to me. Those damned Mexicans have been bothering us for the
> last couple of thousand years and we keep getting blamed for their barbaric
> habits! We might have torn the hearts out of sacrificial victims with
> obsidian knives but we never ate them!"
> These short necked people never cease to amaze me with their intelligence
> and insight. It is normal for Belizean Mayans to speak at least four
> languages, Kekchi (plus Mopan and Yucatec), Spanish, English, and Creole.
> One of Canti's friends back in the home village can speak seven languages
> including Chinese even though he never went to school. As for Hell the
> concept is still current. Everybody knows about Xibalba (she BAL ba) and
> expects to go there soon. It turns out that only the anteroom of Hell is a
> scary place, after you get deep enough you are in Heaven!
> But enough about smart people. This morning I crossed the flood swollen
> Bladen in a canoe, and now I'm back in the real Belize which is to say the
> funky little coastal town of Punta Gorda better known as PeeGee. The
> culture is Garifuna which means that dreadlocked zombies stare out at the
> sea all day long while smoking spliffs and mumbling in broken Creole about
> Jah.
> When I got out of the bus I looked up and there by the sea side was the
> rotting remnant of the old Hotel Isabel, an enormous wooden structure
> which hangs over both the Caribbean sea and Front street. Twenty seven
> years ago I stumbled into PeeGee more dead than alive. The Hotel Isabel was
> already a rotting hulk but was open for business so I checked in and
> procured a stinking bug infested cubical on the second floor. Things were
> quiet since it was early afternoon. I staggered down the street to a
> Chinese restaurant and had their special poison soup with rotten meat.
> Thereafter I collapsed in my room and didn't wake up until after dark.
> When I awoke I had no idea where I was or what was going on but I could
> sense that there were countless people in my immediate proximity. The wall
> by my head was creaking, groaning, and bouncing, and I could hear numerous
> voices in an unknown language. When I opened the door I discovered an
> entire contingent of Gurkha soldiers awaiting their turn to be serviced by
> two Guatemalan girls who had the room next to mine, hence the thumping and
> bumping.
> I headed for the back porch to vomit and there discovered so many Rastas
> that a huge blue cloud of ganja smoke drifted over the sea. The Rastas
> would not leave me alone so I retreated to the front porch where the some
> of the Gurkhas had gone for a post coital smoke (tobacco not ganja). In the
> street below there were a handful of violently drunken British soldiers who
> were taunting the Gurkhas and daring them to fight. The Gurkhas were
> remarkably polite for professional killers but they couldn't help but
> finger their kukrie knives and one fellow even begged his commander
> to"please please pretty please let me kill just one of them!"
> I passed out again, then when I woke up it was nearly dawn but the noise
> hadn't stopped, it had simply been replaced by the cries of the Salvadorean
> children's refugee chorus who had moved into the room vacated by the
> exhausted Guatemalan girls. Starving children make terrible noises, it is
> best to simply smother them. I was going to do just that when an
> inexplicable event occurred, work. No one ever works in Belize, especially
> at dawn, but nevertheless someone decided to replace the rotting wooden
> planks of the outside wall by nailing on sheet metal. This was happening
> inches from my head and completely drowned out the children. That was when
> I discovered that my entire body was covered with bedbug bites. I fled and
> did not returned until today.
> The hotel Isabel is still standing but barely. In the shade of the front
> porch I could see the huddled forms of various swarthy degenerates. I was
> busy taking photos when several of them challenged me, "Why you take picha
> Bro? Nuttin here to see but me". When I said it was my old hotel they said,
> "No way Mon, dis be a whore house not a hotel, and she no be open". A
> grizzled old man stepped forward to claim ownership of the premises. He
> didn't believe I had ever stayed there until I told him the above story.
> That was when he said, "Welcome back my bruddah, all de ting you say be
> true!"
> The Great Southern highway (now paved!) stops here, so tomorrow I will
> take a skiff across the ocean to Livingston Guacamolia, a place even
> funkier than PeeGee. I am still a bit weak but my  time at BFREE was the
> best possible restorative so now I'm ready for adventure!
> Sleazeweazel

Charlie Loving
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