Dear Friends,

I was happy to attend the US National Speleological Society (NSS) Convention 
last week with several hundred excellent speleologists. During the week, 
several announcements piled up and I’m happy to share them with you:

·       Cave Survey and Cartography Software

·       International Congress of Speleology Update

·       Newest UIS Bulletin Now Available

·        Southeastern Cave Conservancy Announces Science Awards

·        Karst Workshops at International Association of Hydrogeologists 

·       Geological Society of America Convention: Karst Sessions Call for 

·       Karst Session Call for Abstracts: 11th International Conference on 
Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds

·       The Sinkhole Conference and 3rd Appalachian Karst Symposium: Call for 
Abstracts and Registration

·       The Sinkhole Conference: Beck Student Scholarship Call for Applications

·       The Sinkhole Conference: Beck Student Scholarship Call for Donors

·       List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

The details on these announcements are below.

As always, please contact the people and organizations below for more 
information and feel free to share this message with anyone who may be 
interested. If this message has been forwarded to you and you would like to be 
added to NCKRI’s e-mail list, please let me know (my contact information is at 
the end of this message).



Cave Survey and Cartography Software

One of the many things shared during the NSS Convention were links to updated 
and new software for surveying caves and drawing cave maps. Some of those links 
are provided below:







USA topographic and other maps:

USA geologic maps:


International Congress of Speleology Update

Dear Cavers & Speleologists

The latest Speleo 2017 eBulletin is now up for viewing at  This issue contains 
information on Tourist Information and a special Australia Post cave stamp 
offer, accommodation, merchandise, electrical testing and tagging, and one of 
the keynote speakers.

Don’t forget to visit for further information or 
email us at<> with any inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you in late July.

Speleo 2017 Organising Committee


Newest UIS Bulletin Now Available

UIS Bulletin volume 59 no. 1 is now available for download at,
 which also contains all of the Bulletins back to 1994. The newest issue 
contains reports from the UIS commissions on Artificial Cavities, Cave Diving, 
Cave Rescue, History of Speleology, and Speleotherapy, plus other news and 


Southeastern Cave Conservancy Announces Science Awards

The Southeastern Cave Conservancy, Inc., (SCCi) is now accepting grant 
proposals from non-profit caving groups, independent scientists, 
university/college faculty members, and undergraduate-graduate students for 
conducting research projects at SCCi properties, beginning in 2017. Funds must 
be awarded to a nonprofit or educational organization. For this year, there are 
3 annual awards of $1,500 each for (1) geology, geochemistry, or hydrology, (2) 
biology (zoology and botany) and (3) environmental/archaeological projects.

All proposals must be submitted using the SCCi research proposal online. The 
deadline for submissions is August 1, 2017. A team of reviewers will evaluate 
all proposals and base their decisions on scientific merit.  Decisions will be 
announced by September 1, 2017.  If an awarded project is to continue into the 
following year, the researcher(s) may submit a proposal for a research 
extension.  Results from the research must be submitted to the SCCi as a 
written report or thesis.  We encourage publishing in scientific journals but 
the SCCi reserves the right to review each report for approval/disapproval 
prior to publishing.

To submit a grant request visit<*%5b'%22%5d(?%3Curl%3E%5b%5E%7B'%22%5d.+?)%5b'%22%5d)&href_id_source=vr2-href-id-source-5>.
 You must register to complete a grant request. If you are not registered for 
the permit site, please do that first before clicking the link.

Karst Workshops at International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress

The 44th Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists will be 
held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on 25-29 September 2017. Two karst workshops will 
be held on the two days before the congress, on 23-24 September. Descriptions 
of the workshops are below. For more details and to register, see For information 
about the congress visit

Water Resources Management and Engineering Challenges in Karst Aquifers

Instructors: Zoran Stevanović, Petar Milanović and Saša Milanović

The 2-day workshop will explain research of karst environment and development 
and engineering of karst water resources. The course is taking place in 
Dubrovnik, Croatia in the heart of worldwide known classical Dinaric karst 
which is also the birthplace of karstology and karst hydrogeology. This region 
heavily depends on the sustainable use and control of karst aquifers, as they 
represent the almost sole water resource for life and development. With karst 
poljes, dams, artificial reservoirs, water supply intakes and tunnels, caves, 
specific karst features, underground endemic species, countless project 
documentation, and experience and knowledge of local experts, Dubrovnik is the 
ideal place to learn about karst and its specific character. The topics covered 
will include: 1. karst aquifer characterization; 2. methods for karst aquifer 
development; 3. control of karst groundwater flow for water supply and 
hydropower generation; 4. protecting groundwater quality in karst. The 
attendees will receive theoretical explanations, but will also learn from 
experiences of many projects conducted in karst worldwide. On the second 
workshop day they will actively participate in practical exercises called to 
find appropriate and optimal solutions for various problems which researchers 
are often facing in karst environment.

KARSYS, KarstALEA and KarstMOD:

Applied and Innovative Methods for the Management of Karst Environment

Instructors: Prof. Nico Goldscheider, N. Doerfliger, Dr. Pierre-Yves Jeannin, 
Dr. Arnauld Malard

This 2-days workshop is dedicated to the learning of the KARSYS approach. 
KARSYS is developed for hydrogeologists working in karst regions, in order to 
address hydrogeological questions in a very pragmatic and concrete way. KARSYS 
makes it possible to build an explicit conceptual model (3D image) of the karst 
aquifers and of the associated flow systems. The approach is based on a 3D 
model of the carbonate aquifer synthesizing all standard geological and 
hydrological data, and coupled to a series of simple fundamental hydraulic 
principles. This provides, within a limited effort, a consistent 
hydrogeological conceptual model of karst flow systems within any investigation 
area. The course is designed for hydrogeologists with basic knowledge on karst, 
hydrogeology and 3D modelling. Any professional interested in groundwater 
management, engineering, renewable energies in karst environments will gain a 
good understanding of karst hydrogeology and a pragmatic way to assess karst 
hydrogeological systems. Participants will apply KARSYS by themselves on a case 
study. For that, they will be initiated to the functioning of the Visual KARSYS 
tool, which is still under development, but already support users to apply 

The course will be extended further with an introduction to KarstALEA method, 
which has been developed for predicting the position and characteristics of 
karst occurrences within a massif. KarstALEA was initially designed for 
tunneling, but can be applied to any kind of underground construction in karst 
areas. At last, an outlook to KarstMOD (flows simulation procedures based on 
KARSYS) will be presented. KarstALEA and KarstMOD are both extensions of the 
KARSYS approach, providing de facto a consistent and continuous workflow in 
karst hydrogeology.


Geological Society of America Convention: Karst Sessions Call for Abstracts

The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting will be held in Seattle, 
Washington, USA, on October 22-25, 2017. General information on the conference 
is available at Previous 
announcements of proposed karst-related sessions missed one session: T37--Cave 
Records from Contiguous North America: Providing Records of Hydrologic 
Reorganization over the Late Quaternary.

Please consider submitting an abstract to this and the other karst sessions. 
The abstract deadline is August 1st. Abstracts can be submitted 
 Be sure to search on “karst” to find all of the karst sessions.


Karst Session Call for Abstracts:
11th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant 

Greetings fellow karst enthusiast!

I recently learned that the Program Chairs at Battelle’s upcoming Eleventh 
International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant 
have once again accepted my proposal to have a karst-specific session. As you 
may know, at the last two iterations of this conference (2014 and 2016), I 
co-chaired the karst session. Past presenters included Dr. Derek Ford, Dr. 
Ralph Ewers, and Tom Aley, among others.

For the coming conference, the title of the prospective session is “Karst 
Aquifer Case Studies”. Relevant topics include:

  *   Characterizing groundwater, vapor, and/or contaminant movement (including 
     *   Innovative techniques and research
     *   Tracer studies
     *   Developing karst-specific conceptual site models
     *   Fate & transport modeling
     *   Applications of geophysics
     *   Relevant laboratory studies
     *   Hypogene karst
  *   Remediating karst aquifers
     *   State of the science
     *   Planning/implementing pilot- and field-scale remedies
     *   Emerging contaminants and karst
     *   Ongoing research
     *   Lessons learned
  *   Regulatory frameworks, strategies, and challenges

As you may also be aware, remediation in karst terranes continues to receive 
relatively little attention in the peer-reviewed literature or at national 
conferences.  As the preeminent conference of professionals engaged in 
groundwater remediation, this Battelle conference offers an excellent platform 
to highlight the technical achievements of karst-community within the wider 
audience of the environmental industry.  I encourage you to consider submitting 
an abstract or forwarding this message along to any colleagues or students that 
may be interested.

ABSTRACTS ARE DUE AUGUST 31st. In the event that you or someone that you know 
may be interested, here is the relevant information:
Conference: Eleventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and 
Recalcitrant Compounds (Palm Springs, California; April 8-12, 2018)
 Prospective Session title: “Karst Aquifer Case Studies” (code: 5d)
 Abstract Due Date: August 31, 2017
 Conference Website: Click 
here<> to 
access the conference website
 Information on Submitting an Abstract: Abstract Specifications & 

** Going to submit an abstract? Please enter my name in the “Submittal 
Requested By” field **
Things to Keep in Mind:
1. Placement cannot be guaranteed. Most platform sessions will have 4 or 6 
platform slots. Additional abstracts appropriate for presentation in the 
session will be scheduled as posters.
2. All presenting authors are expected to register and pay the standard fees. 
This policy is necessary because registration fees are the major source of 
funding for the Conference, and a significant percentage of registrants will 
make presentations or chair sessions.
I look forward to your efforts in helping “keep karst on the map” at this, the 
premier international remediation conference. Feel free to contact me directly 
with any questions or ideas.
Thanks in advance for your consideration!

Keith White, CPG | Vice President/Principal Geologist |<>
Arcadis | Arcadis of New York, Inc./Arcadis CE, Inc.
One Lincoln Center, 110 W. Fayette Street, Suite 300, Syracuse NY | 13202 | USA
T. +1 315 671 9530 | M. +1 315 391 6698


The Sinkhole Conference and 3rd Appalachian Karst Symposium: Call for Abstracts 
and Registration

The Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and 
Environmental Impacts of Karst, generally called “The Sinkhole Conference,” is 
the longest-running international conference of its type. Since 1984, 
engineers, geologists, hydrologists, land managers, biologists, and many others 
have gathered at these meetings to exchange cutting-edge information on karst 
and its many benefits and challenges. The call for abstracts is open for the 
15th Sinkhole Conference. Abstracts may be submitted until 15 August 2017, 
after which will be the time to submit your papers to accompany your abstracts. 
The papers of past Sinkhole Conferences have made those proceedings highly 
sought and widely cited. We expect the proceedings of the upcoming meeting will 
be the best yet.

The Sinkhole Conference is managed by the National Cave and Karst Research 
Institute and this next conference will be jointly organized with the Karst 
Waters Institute. Additionally, the conference will include the 3rd Appalachian 
Karst Symposium to make for a truly special event.

The 15th Sinkhole Conference will occur on 2-6 April 2018 at the National 
Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA, about a 1.5 
hour drive from the Washington, DC area. The conference circular, which is a 
convenient summary of the conference, is now available and downloadable from, where all other conference details can also 
be found. To submit your abstracts and for instructions on preparing them, see

On behalf of the 15th Sinkhole Conference Organizing Committee, we look forward 
to receiving your abstracts and seeing you in Shepherdstown next year!

George Veni
Sinkhole Conference Co-chair
NCKRI Executive Director


The Sinkhole Conference: Beck Student Scholarship Call for Applications

The Sinkhole Conference was created in 1984 and led for many years by Dr. Barry 
Beck. In his memory, the conference now offers the Beck Student Scholarship. 
Students awarded a Beck Scholarship will receive free registration to the 
conference and up to $1,000 reimbursement for travel expenses, as well as 
certain special recognitions and other benefits. Scholars from the previous 
Sinkhole Conference are recognized at To apply for the 
scholarship, visit


The Sinkhole Conference: Beck Student Scholarship Call for Donors

The Sinkhole Conference funds one Beck Student Scholarship for each conference, 
but more than one scholarship can be offered with your support. Four were 
awarded last time! Attending The Sinkhole Conference can be a life-changing 
experience for students by opening their eyes to state-of-the-art knowledge, 
and important professional contacts and opportunities. To help change a 
student’s life for the better, we ask and encourage you to donate to the Beck 
Scholarship. All donations are tax deductible. For details on how to donate, 


List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

1)         Man and Karst 2017 International Scientific Meeting, 26-29 June 
(Zadar, Croatia),

2)           17th International Congress of Speleology, 23-30 July 2017 
(Sydney, New South Wales, Australia),

3)           International Clean-up of Gouffre Berger, 1-15 August 2017 
(Vercors, France),

4)         Biospeleology Conference, 21-23 September 2017 (Seville, Spain),  

5)         44th International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, 25-29 
September 2017 (Dubrovnik, Croatia),

6)         Geological Society of America Convention, 22-25 October (Seattle, 
-Washington, USA),

7)         National Cave and Karst Management Symposium, 16-20 October 2017 
(Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA),<>

8)         British Cave Research Association 28th Cave Science Symposium, 20-21 
October 2017 (Leeds, UK), website to be announced.

9)           International Conference on Geomorphology, 6-11 November 2017 (New 
Delhi, India), karst session,

10)        Workshop: Grotte de Han, New Dramatic Effect of Lighting, 16-18 
November 2017 (Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium),<>.

11)        To Know and Share Caves and Karsts: Understanding, Conservation, and 
Geotourism, 6-9 March 2018 (Ardèche, France),

12)      The Sinkhole Conference, joint with the 3rd Appalachian Karst 
Symposium, 2-6 April 2018 (Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA),

13)        18th International Vulcanospeleology Symposium, 21-27 July 2018 
(Lava Beds National Monument, California, USA),

14)      EuroSpeleo Forum 2018, 23-26 August 2018 (Ebensee, Austria),

15)        24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 20-24 August 
2018 (University of Aveiro, Portugal),

George Veni, PhD
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: 575-887-5517
Mobile: 210-863-5919
Fax: 575-887-5523<><>

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