Dear friends,

A new book was published today, *The Cave Fauna of California. *The book is
a biogeographic study by nine authors, published in the Proceedings of the
California Academy of Sciences (PCAS) as a *free pdf*. Here’s the citation:

*The Cave Fauna of California. William R. Elliott, James R. Reddell, D.
Craig Rudolph, G.O. Graening, Thomas S. Briggs, Darrell Ubick, Rolf L.
Aalbu, Jean Krejca, Steven J. Taylor. Proceedings of the California Academy
of Sciences, July 28, 2017. 311 pp., 25 tables, 9 maps, 4 graphs, 105

*​ ​*

The pdf is posted as a free download to all on the new website


The website has details about the book and what it may mean to cavers,
scientists, land managers, landowners, and conservationists. The pdf
is ​also ​available at:


​ ​

​Starting in August p​rinted copies may be purchased through Speleobooks at  and via

​We may be hosting a Saturday public “California Cave Life Symposium,”
either this fall or next April at the California Academy of Sciences in San
Francisco. The co-authors will give educational slide talks, followed by a
panel discussion​ and questions from the audience about caves and cave
conservation needs. We will make announcements as soon as we can schedule

If you helped any of us co-authors on the various studies of California
cave life over the past 40 years, we thank you and hope you will enjoy this
book! Please let others know about it.


*William R. (Bill) Elliott, Ph.D., NSS 10847 HM-FE*

914 Bannister Drive

Jefferson City, Missouri 65109

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