Cavers and friends -

Our Texas Gulf Coast Caver family is being greatly impacted by Hurricane
Harvey.  Despite cavers being a resilient and well prepared bunch, Harvey
is likely to overwhelm many of them through sheer brute force.  Those of us
fortunate enough not to be severely impacted are already looking for ways
we may help.

Many have graciously opened our homes to folks that evacuated.  It's* not
yet safe *to travel east with supplies and tools to aid in the clean up.
In the interim, we should start preparing to help out as each of us is
able.  For many, the most significant impact we can have is through
financial giving.

The *TCMA is raising funds* for impacted cavers through a dedicated on-line
platform.  All money raised will be tracked separately, does not go towards
other TCMA activities and will be disbursed via a committee to impacted
cavers.  Should you know of a caver already in need, you may earmark your
donated funds for them. A few folks have already confirmed their houses are
flooded and several are likely to be out of work during the long recovery


*If you were impacted by Hurricane Harvey and need assistance, please email
us at <>.*

Should you wish to donate outside of the caver family or to the broader
recovery efforts, please consider giving to a national disaster response

The costs in property lost won't be known for many weeks.  While we wait
for the storm to clear we can prepare to assist when it is safe to do so.
We will report back on our efforts frequently and disburse all funds raised
as quickly and as prudently as possible.


TCMA Officers and Board of Directors
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