I mentioned last month that I had discovered that the landowner of the 3
big caves out at the big ranch north of the town of Langtry had passed away.

I made a diligent effort to contact his large family and offer condolences.

They are now aware of my intentions.

I can only hope that someday one of them will contact me expressing
interest in assistance with visiting the caves or reach out on their own to
another caver.

I have guided several trips into each of the 3 caves, but the last time was
at about 19 years ago.  I am not in good enough health to do it any time

These caves are warmer and dustier and drier than caves in the Hill
Country.    Emerald Sink probably has a huge bat population.

Proper gear is just a caving quality headlamp ( $ 30 to $ 70 from Frys ),
jeans and t-shirt, plenty of water or Gatorade and some lightweight cotton
gloves and any kind of helmet.

Thin kneepads for those who can not tolerate occasional crawling.

Maybe something new will happen in 2018 in the Langtry Caves.

But as of October 19, I do not know if they want cavers to contact them, or
who in their family wants to be the cave contact, or even if any of them
still own the ranch.

I do not plan to ever reach out to them again.   The ball is in their court.

If my effort fails, then another caver should try, or attempt a different
approach method, but at least wait a few months.

David Locklear
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