It must have been a very fuzzy memory because 1989 was 28 years ago.

Mike Harris

On Dec 24, 2017 5:26 PM, "Mark Minton via Texascavers" <> wrote:

> Rolf Adams was a fantastic caver and all around really nice guy. I had the
> pleasure of caving with him several times, including at Cueva Cheve in
> 1989. There is a photo of Rolf, Noel Sloan and me on the cover of the NSS
> history book "Caving in America". We were supposed to represent "modern"
> cavers, as compared to the other photo on the cover showing cavers from
> 1940. Ironically, at that time none of the three of us were NSS members.
> Rolf was Australian and not a member; I had not yet joined, and Noel's
> membership had lapsed. (The book is no longer available from the NSS, but
> it is on eBay: <
> of-the-National-Spelelogical-Society-1991-/151917519053>.)
> Mark Minton
> On Sun, 24 Dec, 2017 at 5:11 PM, David via Texascavers <
>> wrote:
> To: CaveTex
> Cc:
> A personal story from David Locklear from December of 1989.
> ( a very fuzzy memory from 18 years ago)
> I have ever told this whole story - at least not in detail - just in parts.
> Background:   Australian caver Rolf Adams ( who would later drown in
> Florida scuba training for a caving expedition ) was hanging out in Austin
> semi-permanently caving full-time..  He had finished his math studies at a
> university in Australia and had climbed El Capitan and sone lots of
> caving.    He was the most technical caver that I had ever met, and I
> assumed he could lead or climb as good as Alejandro Villagomez.   He and I
> had caved previously once over Thanksgiving in The El Cielo, mostly
> ridgewalking camping, swimming and taking in the Huastecan culture.
> [ Sidenote:   I actually sincerely believed his name was Wallaby Adams
> until reading his obituary in the NSS News two years later. ]
> In November of 89, I was laid-off from a civil engineering company where I
> worked drafting on mylar with ink pens. and Leroy set roads ( new suburban
> boulevards ).   I had never been laid off.   In those days, unlike today, I
> was a total moron, and I had no earthly idea what it meant to be laid off.
>  In my case, I had an extreme stroke of luck ( for once ) in that when I
> arrived at The Texas Unemployment Office, my bosse's boss was in line right
> next to me.
> So I left Houston and went to the UT Grotto meeting.   ( In those days,
> still being an A.S.S. caver, I referred to it as the "t.u. Grotto." )
> Rolf was there with his girlfriend from Australia.  He introduced her as
> Dr. Anne Gray.    She was a cute blonde with long frizzy hair about 25
> years old.   [I think this might be her on Facebook
> ]
> Rolf announced he was heading on a ridgewalking adventure near Tehuacan,
> Puebla in search of the highest cave entrance in the western hemisphere.
> I think our remote spot is now a tourist site:
> San Bernardino Lagunas
> Vicente Guerrero, Puebla, Mexico
> Some Austin cavers found a tiny yellow beat-up Datsun pickup with
> camper-shell on the back.
> Rolf was content to have me tag along, but unknown to me, his girlfriend
> had possibly been wanting a simple quite trip with just the two of them.
>  She did not know me at all, like Rolf did.  And she and I never hit it
> off.   In hindsight, I should have bailed on them, at some point before
> reaching Puebla.
> But they had no business travelling alone like that where they were going.
> Maybe to be continued....
> Feel free to correct me, or add to Part One, if you knew Rolf or Anne.
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