I misspelled John Schneider's name

I met John probably in the mid 80's at various TSA events, but got to know him 
better in 1989 when I joined GHG.  He likes to dig and can tell you lots of 
caving stories in a Missourian accent.  He is deserving of an speleo award for 
Lifetime Acheivement.
Here is a photo of a portion of the campground on Sunday.   Note you need to 
bring a tarp and at least 2 objects such as a pole to erect the tarp, and some 
stakes and small cord.

Had any of the convention attendees chosen to stay home instead, it would have 
made a noticeable impact, or someone would have had to roll up their sleeves 
even further and chipped in even more.
But after having briefly attended at least 15 of these conventions, I will say 
I missed seeing many of the older generation of cavers, especially those that I 
knew well.( my first spring TSA Convention was at Inner Space Caverns in 1985 ) 
  I bet there were several cavers at both the 1985 and the 2018.  Feel free to 
name yourself.Maybe Gil or Rune or Terry or Susan ?

I did not get a chance to describe how crazy insane was my initial road-trip 
I left Brenham thoroughly beyond exhausted Friday night at 10 p.m.  >From 
there, I drove southeast all the frickin way to Arcola to pick up my estranged 
wife and kid - not. even knowing in any way, if I could convince them to come 
with me, but 100% certain that it would be filled with immense pain and 
displeasure.   By 1 a.m., it was a no-go.   They were not even anywhere close 
to being mentally ready for a road-trip.  I went to bed thinking that I would 
have to blow off the trip.  I did not sleep well.
At 5 a.m., I begin to try to wake them up.  I had not spoken to my wife in 
about 2 weeks, nor been home for a while, so this was beyond awkward.
We were in the car, by 6:30 a.m. leaving Arcola.
( When I say Arcola, they actually live 7 miles southwest of there )
My wife and I did not utter a single solitary word the entire route until I 
began to set up camp.  My daughter slept the entire way or refused to remove 
her ear-buds.  I did not get the opportunity to tell them that I have been 
living with a Cuban lady for the past 32 days.
I really did not know if we would make it there it until we reached the town of 
The long trip home was about the same.
I am back now at my temporary room in the Cuban ladies apartment.  Her name is 
Caridad Luiza Rozada.  She is so sweet, but we are totally incompatible 
The only thing I have to look forward to this week is that things should be 
hectic at work.  That does not always translate to profitable.   I probably 
won't spend any quality time with my daughter again for a month.  So all I can 
do is reminisce.

David Locklear
And for anyone curious, I did make contact with the guy on Facebook that I was 
trying to subpoena to court.   The way this profession all works is, a neutral 
party to the court case ( such as myself ) has to convince the judge that the 
witness or defendant [ and sometimes plaintiff in a countersue ] knows fully 
well that they are supposed to do something, such as attend the trial or 
furnish records.  The judge decides whether more efforts are needed on my part. 
 I get my instructions from one of the attorneys unless the plaintiff is a 
gov't entity.   It is never fun or interesting, and often full of drama and 
very incompetent people, shysters and "adversarial" people and involves a 
buttload of driving in heavy traffic.  Not a job for a sane person - so it fits 
me almost perfect.

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