Has the upper entrance been enlarged at some point ??

I rappelled into it at least once ( maybe twice ) in the late 80s.    I
recall it being slightly larger.

I do recall having to spend quite awhile hunting for it, as you could be
within 30 feet of it and not
see it, as it looked more like a shadow than a hole.

On a related note,

As much as some people poke fun of me for not going caving, I did my fair
in 1987 to make up for it.   ( I was in fairly good shape back then, except
for a messed
up left ankle from a big accident working on The Aggie Bonfire in 1982. )

I had hopes back in the late 80's of going to other Carta Valley caves that
were not getting any
visitation ( Blowhole , MF Pit ?? ).     I did get to go ridge-walking near
there one time with A.Richard Smith,
and his friends, but we did not find anything.   I think Mrs. Everage might
have been
on that trip, or another one just like it.

But after the 1989 Mexpeleo, I decided to focus all of my efforts in
Mexico, attempting to
take Houston cavers to Precipicio and Carrizal and places near Monterrey.
  Had I had
the internet, back then, I could have organized or at least contributed to
some fun
multi-grotto trips.     I think my last effort at such a thing was in 1995
( or 96 ? }with Jay Jorden
and his electrician friend Bobby ( Moore ?? ), where we went swimming near
El Puente
de Dios and celebrated NYE at Real de Catorce and hooked up with some other
cavers.    I think we rigged
Pozo de Gavilan from my truck bumper, but failed to make it to the bottom
due to the
bees.     It is all very fuzzy jumbled muddled repressed memories now, with
few if any photographs
to prove it.     It all seems more like a dream, than reality.     Sure I
am sane.   Right ??

David Locklear
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