The drownings took place one of the two large river caves beneath the
commercial cave, named in one
article as "La Chonta."

I have been on that same section of cave with mostly a group of Austin
cavers.     ( The trip where
the filmed it using a railroad-train headlight. )     I did not wear a
life-vest or a wetsuit, but I did have on proper
gear for a tropical river trip.     I doubt any of these eco-tourist had
anything like Bata boots, neoprene socks which
really come in handy on river-caving trips.      The news article claims
the river rose.    That might have caused them
to get sucked underwater especially if they had no idea how to float in
current or they did not have enough light to
figure out what was going on, or all of the above.     My speculation is
they held hands, or grabbed each other, and that is about the worse thing
one could do in a drowning situation.    They certainly must have both
panicked, or one drowned trying to save
the other that they thought was going to drown.

One sad part to all of this, is that eco-tour ideology at that cave has
killed numerous students.    Isn't this the
15th drowning on an eco-tour there in the last 20 years ??

Notice all the tactical Federales in the photos, as if somehow they have a
clue how to manage a cave rescue.    That
clearly shows some of the different cultural aspects to caving in Mexico.
   The Federales probably had uzi's on them.

La Chonta is not a beginner caving trip, but it could be properly lead by
an experienced caver at the front and back if everyone
knew how to swim, and had proper gear and given some kind of proper
explanation of the trip prior to going in.     Since the other 17 people
made it out okay, it must not have been a huge unexpected  rise in the
river.      It is sort of hard to go back out upstream
towards the entrance ( actually the middle entrance to the system ).
 Isn't this the dry season down there ??

I was probably in the cave during a low water, or regular flow, as there
were sandbars and rocky beaches near every curve
in the passage.

Below is a recent news article in Spanish about the incident.

David Locklear

Here are some more articles, but I don't see anything new in them
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