
That was fascinating.  I met Dr.  Halliday once.

However, I was proposing something sort of similar to the classic
deep-thought movies like Arnold Schwarzeneggar's, "Running Man," or "The
Hunger Games."

My idea is nowhere as crazy as Elon Musk's "Big Fricken Rocketship."    Did
you all see the BFR presentation.   He was having to fight his emotions to
keep a straight face.

If we do get to go caving on Mars, it will most like be on whatever
rocketship Mr. Musk and his SpaceX team end up launching.

In the meantime, I am extremely skeptical of the BFR proposal.  However, he
has the "creds" now to make such outlandish presentations.


P.S.   I worked part-time this week at a desk job for the first time in a
decade.   How do you all keep your sanity.   I doubt I will make it another
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