Dear Friends,

Below is the latest news from NCKRI and our colleagues around the world.

·       Doctoral Study Program in Karstology: Slovenia

·       XIV National Congress of Speleology, Mexico: Call for 
presentations/Registration is open

·       Geological Society of America Convention: Call for Cave and Karst Papers

·       Geological Society of America Convention: Karst Field Trips 
Registration Open

·       Summer School on Speleology: Indonesia

·       New Book: Hypogene Karst of Texas

·       Speleology and Environmental Legislation Symposium: Brazil

·       List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

Please contact the people and organizations listed below for more information, 
and feel free to share this message with anyone who may be interested.



Doctoral Study Program in Karstology: Slovenia

The University of Nova Gorica in Slovenia announces its Doctoral Study Program 
in Karstology (Third level).

For details visit:<>
 or contact Dr. Martin Knez<> or Dr. 
Tanja Pipan<>

XIV National Congress of Speleology, Mexico: Call for 
presentations/Registration is open

The XIV National Congress of Speleology will be held on 1-4 February 2019 in 
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. An excellent series of presentations, trips, and 
activities are planned. To register for the conference, submit your oral, 
poster, or video presentation, and for more information visit You can visit the congress Facebook page, 
Congreso Mexicano de Espeleología 2019 (@cnme2019), for extra updates.


Geological Society of America Convention: Call for Cave and Karst Papers

The next annual convention of the Geological Society of America (GSA) will be 
held on 4-7 November 2018 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. GSA will continue its 
tradition of the past 10 years in offering a diverse array of great karst 
sessions, which are listed below. You are encouraged to share your knowledge 
and submit your abstract as follows:

·        The abstract deadline is 14 August, 11:59 p.m. PDT.

·        The body of your abstract must be 2000 characters or fewer, not 
counting spaces. Please view Preparing an On-Line 
Submission<> for 
additional detailed guidelines on preparing and submitting your abstract.

·        Please familiarize yourself with and adhere to the GSA Code of 
 for abstract publication and meeting presentation.

  *   All abstracts undergo peer review. Common reasons for rejection include 
dubious conclusions, questionable methodologies, poorly edited prose, and 
incomplete or outdated information.
  *   Acceptance notifications are delivered within three weeks after the 
abstract deadline to allow sufficient time to make travel arrangements.

Please refer to for 
additional abstract information and for details on the conference.

T1. Karst Hazards and Monitoring

Andrew J. Luhmann, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Jason S. Polk
GSA Karst Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division
Abstracts should be focused on hazards monitoring approaches found in karst 
landscapes. Topics include technical applications (e.g., LiDAR, 3D scanning, 
geodatabase development) and management implications (resource management, 
education, policy and regulation in karst areas).
Submit an abstract to this 

T2. Cave and Karst Research in Indiana and Kentucky: A Tribute to Art Palmer, 
Peg Palmer, and Dick Powell

Lee J. Florea, Patricia N. Kambesis
GSA Karst Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and 
Geomorphology Division; National Cave and Karst Research Institute; Indiana 
Geological and Water Survey
This session seeks presentations and conversations from those whose lives and 
careers have been touched by friendships and collaborations with Art Palmer, 
Peg Palmer, and Dick Powell.
Karst | Hydrogeology | Geomorphology
Submit an abstract to this 

T3. Karst Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Andrew J. Luhmann, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Jason S. Polk
GSA Karst Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA Hydrogeology 
This session calls for abstracts themed around the fundamental aspects of 
fluid-rock interactions within karst landscapes, including geologic, 
hydrogeologic, and hydrologic investigations. Topics include dye tracing, 
aquifer processes, surface-subsurface hydrology, and quantitative modeling.
Submit an abstract to this 

T4. Karst Ecosystems and Biogeochemistry

Andrew J. Luhmann, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Jason S. Polk
GSA Karst Division
Abstracts are sought that deal with the study of cave and karst ecosystems, 
including the identification, quantification, and/or discussion of biota, 
flora, microbial, and related biogeochemical processes or environments in or 
near karst features.
Submit an abstract to this 

T5. Karst Processes and Speleology

Andrew J. Luhmann, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Jason S. Polk
GSA Karst Division
This session seeks abstracts involving cave and karst forming processes, 
geomorphic evolution of karst landscapes, and cave system development, 
including geochemical, morphological, and cave survey studies. Carbonate 
weathering, diagenesis, hypogene processes, carbonate mineralogy, and 
structural controls influencing cave development.
Submit an abstract to this 

T6. Critical Zone Science in Karst and Carbonate Terrains

Chris Groves, Matthew D. Covington, Alan Fryar, C. Zhu
GSA Karst Division; GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes 
Interdisciplinary Interest Group; GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology Division; 
GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division; National Cave and Karst 
Research Institute
To advance understanding of relevant processes, we seek contributions that 
integrate geochemistry, biogeochemistry, hydrogeology, geophysics, and 
geomorphology, as well as those that employ isotope and modeling techniques, to 
examine karst critical zone processes.
Karst | Environmental Geoscience | Hydrogeology
Submit an abstract to this 

T7. Karst Sedimentary, Paleoclimate, and Historical Records

Andrew J. Luhmann, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Jason S. Polk
GSA Karst Division
Abstracts are sought that include the use of cave deposits, karst environmental 
records, and geoarchaeological and historical investigations to reconstruct or 
interpret past climates, landscapes, extreme events, and land use histories in 
karst areas.
Submit an abstract to this 

T8. Pseudo-Karst Processes and Features

Andrew J. Luhmann, Jonathan B. Sumrall, Jason S. Polk
GSA Karst Division
This session seeks abstracts on topics focused on the origin, development, 
depositional processes, biogeology, and management of landscapes and features 
that morphologically or in other ways resemble karst.
Submit an abstract to this 

T65. Recent Advances in Using Near-Surface Geophysics to Solve Geological 

Kevin L. Mickus
GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; GSA Quaternary Geology and 
Geomorphology Division; GSA Environmental & Engineering Geology Division; GSA 
Hydrogeology Division; GSA Soils and Soil Processes Interdisciplinary Interest 
Group; GSA Karst Division; GSA Archaeological Geology Division
We encourage novel studies that use near-surface geophysics (electrical, 
electromagnetic, seismic, gravity, magnetics) to investigate a variety of 
geological problems including groundwater, karst, geomorphology, archaeology, 
urban geology, engineering geology.
Geophysics/Geodynamics | Hydrogeology | Karst
Submit an abstract to this 

T102. Dye Tracing and Emerging Environmental Tracers in Hydrogeology

Douglas Gouzie, Dorothy J. Vesper
GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division
We seek a broad variety of tracer applications—from dye-tracing studies in 
karst and surface water hydrology to isotopic, microelectronic, nanoparticle, 
and other innovative tracers used in the range of hydrogeologic and hydrologic 
Hydrogeology | Karst | Geochemistry
Submit an abstract to this 

T103. Springs: Groundwater-Influenced Ecosystems, Gaining Streams, and Wetlands

Abraham E. Springer, Sue Swanson, Brad David Wolaver
GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division; GSA Geobiology & Geomicrobiology 
Division; GSA Limnogeology Division
Springs maintain aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, streams, wetlands, and 
water sources globally. Presentations are encouraged from multidisciplinary, 
collaborative studies of the characterization, monitoring, modeling, and 
education of stakeholders to improve the understanding of springs, associated 
ecosystems, and anthropogenic users.
Hydrogeology | Karst | Geomicrobiology
Submit an abstract to this 


Geological Society of America Convention: Karst Field Trips Registration Open

In addition to the many karst sessions above offered at the next annual 
convention of the Geological Society of America (GSA) on 4-7 November 2018, 
there will also be several karst field trips. The convention will be in 
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, and in one of the major karst areas of the USA. The 
trips are listed and described below. For more information on GSA field trips 
visit and 
for additional information on the conference visit

Pre-convention trips:

403. Accessible Cave and Karst Geology of the Mammoth Cave National Park Region
Fri. - Sat., 02-03 Nov. *By Invitation Only* 
Click here to apply. <> (1B, 2L, 1D, 2R, 1ON)
Cosponsors: The International Association for Geoscience Diversity; GSA 
Geoscience Education Division; GSA Karst Division; GSA Diversity Committee; 
Mammoth Cave National Park; National Cave and Karst Research Institute.
Leaders: Christopher L. Atchison, University of Cincinnati; Brett H. Gilley, 
Rickard S. Toomey

Trip Description
To support geoscience students and faculty with temporary or permanent 
disabilities, this fully inclusive field trip provides an accessible 
exploration of the karst region surrounding Mammoth Cave National Park in 
Kentucky. Trip leaders will place a strong emphasis on active learning and 
collaboration as participants consider their surroundings and use their 
observations to make inferences about the geologic processes which shaped, and 
continue to shape each location. This trip is offered to students with 
disabilities to build on their interest in the environment, and to promote the 
geosciences as a viable degree and career option. Additionally, this trip is 
open to geoscience faculty with disabilities, enabling them to remain actively 
engaged in their discipline and sharing their knowledge and experience with the 
next generation of geoscience practitioners. If space permits, geoscience 
faculty without disabilities will be invited to participate to learn 
accommodation strategies first-hand from the students. This field trip has 
three primary objectives: (1) to provide a fully-inclusive field-based learning 
experience for students and faculty with a variety of disabilities 
(orthopedic/mobility, deaf/hard-of-hearing, blind/low-vision, cognitive, and 
social-emotional); (2) to provide a unique training opportunity for geoscience 
faculty learning how to accommodate students with disabilities in geoscience 
field courses, and (3) to extend the network of people and resources developed 
from recent accessible field trips, courses and research projects. These 
objectives will drive the collaborative nature of this inclusive and accessible 
two-day field trip where participants will work with and learn from the diverse 
perspectives and experiences of everyone involved.

409. Karst Geology and Hydrogeology of the Spring Mill Lake and Lost River 
Basins in South-Central Indiana
Sat., 3 Nov. $99, (1L, 1R)
Cosponsor: Indiana Geological and Water Survey.
Leaders: Lee J. Florea, Indiana Geological and Water Survey, Indiana 
University; Richard L. Powell, Samuel S. Frushour
Trip Description
This one-day trip will focus on karst landforms and hydrology of the 
subterranean network of the Spring Mill Lake and Lost River drainage systems in 
south-central Indiana. The Spring Mill Lake drainage basin is entirely within 
the Mitchell plateau physiographic region, and the Lost River drainage basin is 
within the western Mitchell plateau and eastern Crawford upland physiographic 
regions. The Mitchell plateau is a rolling plain dissected by a few entrenched 
major river systems and underlain by middle- Mississippian carbonates of the 
blue River and Sanders groups. The Crawford upland is characterized by hilly 
ridge and valley topography capped by late Mississippian resistant carbonate 
and siliciclastic rocks with some shale units. Some ridge tops are capped with 
early Pennsylvanian sandstones of the Mansfield Formation. Water quality of the 
Spring Mill Lake drainage system will be discussed at stops in Spring Mill 
State Park. The field trip will proceed southward into the surficial headwaters 
of Lost River and then downstream to view the upper end of the meandering 
dry-bed. Next we will visit two registered national natural landmarks, Wesley 
Chapel Gulf and Orangeville Rise. Wesley Chapel Gulf is a large, collapsed 
sinkhole approximately 1,000 feet long and 350 feet wide that includes a karst 
spring and numerous swallow holes within an 8-acre flood plain. The Orangeville 
Rise is the second or third largest spring in Indiana; the rise discharges from 
a subsurface drainage area adjacent to but north of the subterranean lost river 
drainage area.

414. Caving to Buckner Cave
Sat., 3 Nov. $74
Cosponsors: Richard Blenz Nature Conservancy, Inc; National Speleological 
Leaders: Anmar 

Trip Description
Take a look at geology from the underside with a trip into Buckner Cave. 
Buckner is a type example of a complex cave system with development through 
upper Mississippian limestone. Participants will need to be in good physical 
condition as the trip will be moderately strenuous and involve considerable 
crawling. Go to<> for information 
on the cave.

Trips during the convention:

416. Geology of the Salem Limestone
Mon., 05 Nov. $10, (1R)
Cosponsor: Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University 
Leaders: Thomas J. Rossbach, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 

Trip Description
This field trip will be along the White River Trail in downtown Indianapolis 
and will look at blocks of the Salem Formation. The Salem Formation (also 
called the Indiana Limestone) is a mississippian limestone that is extensively 
quarried in monroe and lawrence counties in Indiana. The formation is a 
thick-bedded medium to coarse-grained crossbedded calcarenite that varies in 
color (tan, gray tan, and light gray), and is an internationally known 
dimension stone and facing stone. During the middle to late mississippian, 
Indiana was located in the tropical zone south of the equator. The region was 
covered with a shallow sea that was teeming with marine life. Carbonate 
material from foraminifera, bryozoans, mollusks, brachiopods, and crinoids were 
deposited on the seafloor and were lithified to into the limestone we see and 
use today. The fragmental nature of the larger fossils and the presence of 
well-developed cross-bedding indicates that the environment was shallow enough 
to be affected by wave action. According to the Indiana Geological and Water 
Survey (IGS), nearly 2.7 million cubic feet of Indiana limestone is currently 
quarried each year, which generates $26 million in annual revenue for the 
state. What makes the Salem Formation particularly desirable for dimension 
stone is that it exhibits no preferential direction of splitting. The limestone 
can be planed, sawed, turned on a lathe, or hand-worked into almost shape. Its 
historic and economic heritage are some of the reasons it is now the official 
state stone of Indiana.

Post-convention trips:

426. Hydrogeology of the Mammoth Cave Region, Kentucky
Thu. - Sat., 08-10 Nov. $280, (2L, 3R, 2ON)
Cosponsor: Mammoth Cave National Park.
Leaders: Ralph Ewers, Eastern Kentucky University

Trip Description
The hydrogeology of karst aquifers has become an important topic of interest 
and research. Nowhere on Earth can their peculiar characteristics be better 
understood than in the Mammoth Cave region. The trip will follow the water and 
the geomorphology of a large groundwater basin and walk through some of the 
conduits, great and small, that conduct water and contaminants through these 
terranes. We will discuss the means by which these groundwater basins have been 
mapped and understood.


Summer School on Speleology: Indonesia

This summer school will be held on 5 -15 August 2018 by Universitas Gadjah Mada 
and the Karst Museum of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The school is 
situated in the Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global Geopark, which is well known for its 
tropical karst morphology and has hundreds of caves with various 
characteristics and challenges.

During this two-week summer school, participants will be taught about various 
speleological subjects and science covering geology, geography, cartography, 
biology, hydrology, and archaeology. Every topic is connected and designed to 
satisfy comprehensive understanding on cave phenomena. The course will be 
delivered in class, seminar, discussion, and also fieldwork. Participants and 
the invited lecturers will come from many countries. This course will also be a 
place for information exchange. Experiences and practices from across sites and 
countries will be unified to enrich every participant’s knowledge from broad 
background from student to cave practitioner. For more information and to 
register, go to


New Book: Hypogene Karst of Texas

The Texas Speleological Survey (TSS) is pleased to announce the release of a 
new publication: "Hypogene Karst of Texas", edited by Kevin Stafford and George 
Veni. This is a freely available publication provided as a downloadable PDF 
from the TSS website. It consists of 9 articles by a various authors describing 
and characterizing the diversity of hypogene karst phenomena across Texas.

More information and the publication download link is available here:

Joe Mitchell
Texas Speleological Survey


Speleology and Environmental Legislation Symposium: Brazil

Some days ago I was contacted by a representative of the oldest Brazilian 
speleological group, the SEE (Sociedade Excursionista e espeleológica, in 
Portuguese) to request the UIS support to an event that they are organizing.

This Speleology and Environmental Legislation Symposium will be held on 24-26 
August 2018 at the Geology Department of the Ouro Preto Federal University, 
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The symposium is organized by Sociedade 
Excursionista e Espeleológica and everyone who is interested in encouraged to 
attend. To register and for more information, visit<>.


List of Upcoming Cave and Karst Meetings

1)         Karst Field Studies Program, six different 5-6 day courses from 3 
June to 10 August 2018 (Grand Canyon National Park and Mammoth Cave National 
Park, USA),<>

2)         8th International Workshop on Ice caves (IWIC-VIII), 11-16 June 2018 
(Picos de Europa National Park, Spain),

3)         26th International Karstological School "Classical Karst", theme 
Show Caves and Science, 18-22 June 2018 (Postojna, Slovenia), website to be 
posted soon.

4)         EuroKarst 2018, 2-6 July 2018 (Besançon, France),

5)         Balkan Cavers Camp, 2-8 July 2018 (Romania),

6)         18th International Vulcanospeleology Symposium, 21-27 July 2018 
(Lava Beds National Monument, California, USA),

7)         International Training Camp for Young Speleologists, 28 July to 11 
August 2018 (Swabian Alb, Germany),

8)         BERGER 2018 "Clean deep", 29 July – 20 August 2018 (Vercors, 

9)         2018 US National Speleological Society Convention, 30 July - 3 
August 2018 (Helena, Montana, USA),

10)      Summer School on Speleology, 5 -15 August 2018 (Yogyakarta, 

11)      EuroSpeleo Forum 2018, 23-26 August 2018 (Ebensee, Austria),

12)      24th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, 20-24 August 
2018 (University of Aveiro, Portugal),

13)      Speleology and Environmental Legislation Symposium, 24-26 August 2018 
(Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil),<>.

14)      International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, with Topic 7: 
Advances in Karst and Fractured-rock Hydrogeology, 9-14 September 2018 
(Daejeon, South Korea),

15)      24th International Cave Bear Symposium, 27-30 September 2018 
(Chepelare, Bulgaria),

16)      Biospeleology and Theoretical & Applied Karstology Symposium, 27-30 
September 2018 (Băile Herculane, Romania),

17)      International Workshop for Women Speleologists in Latin America, 2-6 
October 2018, (Viñales, Pinar del Río, Cuba),<>

18)      Middle Eastern Speleological Symposium, 3-6 October 2018 (Antalya, 

19)      8th Congress of the International Show Caves Association, 12-18 
October 2018 (Genga, Italy),

20)      16th International Symposium of Speleotherapy, 24-28 October 2018 
(Zlate Hory, Czech Republic),

21)      1st Columbian Speleological Congress and 8th Congress of FEALC 
(Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Speleological Associations), 6-10 
November 2018 (San Gil, Columbia),

22)      International Cave Rescue Training, 10-18 November 2018 (Lozere, 

23)      XIV National Congress of Speleology, 1-4 February 2019 (Hermosillo, 
Sonora, Mexico),

24)      1st Colloquium on the Caves of Azé, 9-10 March 2019 (Saône-et-Loire, 
France), for more information, contact:<>

25)      Hypogea 2019: The International Congress of Speleology in Artificial 
Cavities, 20-25 May 2019 (Dobrich, Bulgaria),

26)      National Speleological Congress of Switzerland, 9-12 August 2019 
(Interlaken, Switzerland),

27)      ArmConference 2019: Caves as Natural and Cultural Monuments, 11-13 
September 2019 (Yerevan, Armenia),

28)      18th International Congress of Speleology, 23-29 July 2021 (Lyon, 

George Veni, PhD
Executive Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute (NCKRI)
International Union of Speleology (UIS)

Direct address at NCKRI
400-1 Cascades Avenue
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215 USA
Office: +1-575-887-5517
Mobile: +1-210-863-5919
Fax: +1-575-887-5523<><>

UIS address:
Titov trg 2
6230 Postojna

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