
There has been a lot of bandwidth taken up with the NSS's new Directory 
Initiative. We've contracted with PCI to act as our agent to create a 
directory. I wanted to include some FAQ's that may go a long way in explaining 
the project. Some of you may have been involved in similar undertakings as 
these directories are commonly put together for colleges, universities, etc. 
The company was used by the Boy Scouts to do a similar project. We found their 
references to be in order and announced the project in the NSS News and also in 
social media. Note the effort includes an attempt to contact both existing and 
past members of the NSS. Some folks have expressed concerns that we've sold our 
data to a third party. We have not. PCI has been contracted to do the work but 
we retain the data and they can no distribute it or sell it to anyone.

We have heard that some of the sales associates may do a hard sell to get you 
to buy some of their projects. Just be instant and say no if you don't want 
any. If it is really annoying, call the number in the FAQ and complain and also 
let me know about it. PCI has a number of packages that include the Directory 
(about $99) as well as shirts, totes, etc (for much more). You may wish to 
purchase some of this material or not. I will purchase a directory as I want to 
try and track down some of my old caver friends that I've lost track of but 
already have enough other stuff. PCI covers the cost of their research efforts 
by selling the Directory and other bling. There is no obligation on your part 
to purchase anything or to even provide data. You can certainly opt out.

Thanks for you understanding and I'm sorry for any trouble this may cause 
folks. We think it is a worthwhile member service and very modest fundraiser 
for the NSS (I think we get about $5 per Directory). We've heard both positive 
and negative comments on the effort and trying to address any issues.

Thank you for your attention and please feel free to forward this message.


Geary Schindel

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the NSS Members Directory Initiative

Folks, please feel free to forward this to people

1.    I received an email/postcard/phone call from a company asking for my 
personal information.  They said they were working on a directory for National 
Speleological Society.  Is this a legitimate project, or is it a scam?

We have partnered with PCI (also known as Publishing Concepts) to produce our 
new member directory.  PCI is a company located in Dallas, TX that publishes 
directories for educational institutions, fraternities, sororities and military 
organizations across the nation. This project allows NSS to receive important 
updates to our database so we know more about our members and how we can better 
serve you and future members.

2.    How do I know my information will only be used for directory purposes?

NSS has a contractual agreement with PCI that states:
a. The names, addresses and information provided to PCI by NSS for the 
publication of the Directory will be held confidential by PCI, except to the 
extent that they are utilized in, or in the preparation of, the Directory and 
except as required by court order or law.
b. The Directory will be made available only to members of NSS. Upon completion 
of the project, PCI will return to NSS any and all electronic files that have 
been supplied by NSS or produced by PCI in connection with the production of 
the Directory.

3.    I would like to verify and update my information. How may I do this?

If you have received a postcard or an email with a telephone number, you may 
call the number to speak with a dedicated representative for the NSS project. 
The representative will verify all the information we have on file for you and 
make any updates where needed. One of the numbers for the NSS members is 

If you have received an email with an embedded link, you may go to the online 
site to review your information.  If you have questions, you may call PCI's 
customer service desk at 1.800.982.1590.

4.    Can anyone purchase a directory?

The NSS members Directory is available for sale only to NSS members.

5.    When will I receive my directory?

The total duration of the directory project is about 12 months.  Since we began 
the project in April 2018, the directories will be distributed in April 2019.

6.    Can I choose some or all of my information not to be printed in the 

When you call to update your information, you can tell the representative what 
information you would prefer to have excluded. You may also communicate this 
information to the PCI customer service desk (1.800.982.1590) or to the NSS 

7.    I ordered a directory/package over the phone and would like to cancel my 
order.  How do I do this?

Call the PCI customer service help desk at 1.800.982.1590, and they will take 
care of this for you.

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