It is a marketing thing authorized by the NSS.

The NSS says it is costing the organization no money and the contractor funds the effort from sales of the rather pricey merchandise.

However, the NSS will get a cut of proceeds: "This is NOT a significant fund raiser for NSS, thought [sic] we do get a small commission on sales."

The percentage of return is not stated, and the postcard is disingenuous in not revealing this financial arrangement. You have to search the NSS website to find that tidbit.

Regardless, I won't be calling or participating; the NSS knows how to contact me and they already have everything they need to know.

Allen's listing of the questions asked goes way beyond basic caver info and seeks information the NSS has no business collecting.

I put this thing in the same category as telemarketers. Unwelcome and not tolerated.

I did not opt-in for the NSS to release my contact information, even to a contractor, for such a use. The fact that I can decide not to participate pales beside the NSS misusing my personal data.

13727 RL FE

On 7/19/2018 14:25, Steve Peerman wrote:
It’s not a scam, but you are under no obligation to buy the product that they are making.  It is supposed to be an NSS directory of all NSS members past and present.  I submitted my information, but I didn’t buy the book.  It seems rather pricey to me.

On Jul 19, 2018, at 2:22 PM, Allen < <>> wrote:

Hey all,
Just received a postcard from some publishing company about the NSS members manual.  Anyone else receive one? Its a yellow postcard with the NSS logo on it. It has a title of "Verification of caver data" in all caps,  and a Po Box in Dallas Tx.

I called the number on the card and the phone operator started asking some odd questions about place of employment, phone numbers, email, marital status, name of spouse, name of kids, grotto affiliation. Then at the end they want you to send them a color picture of yourself, a bill would then be sent out for two payments of $50 for the hard bound book. Or because I am a member, would bundle a sweatshirt, and book bag, and a digital copy, for two payments of $75...  I didn't provide much info, but started questioning it by the end.

Anyone know anything about this?  Is it a scam?   Is the NSS publishing the members manual in hardback?

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