
As has been pointed out to me, George’s name was misspelled in the subject 
area. The correct spelling is George Veni.

As you all realize, Veni is an unusual name and spell check doesn’t like it. I 
think we got it right in the body of the test. The person that sent me the link 
indicated that she had caught the misspellings but guess she didn’t catch them 
all. I really had to look again to find it and then saw it in the subject area. 
Anyway, I’ll check with George about possibly auctioning off renaming rights to 
help support NCKRI. Might make it easier for everyone – including George.

Geary Schindel

Have you ever wondered about international caving projects and how to be a part 
of them?? Our next webinar will be given by George Veni, the President of the 
International Union of Speleology (UIS). George will explain the UIS, its 
mission and how you can be involved!

Please forward this email to your friends and anyone that may be interested, 
and join us for our next great webinar.

Cave safely,
Debbie Spoons
NSS Webinar Chair


World Speleology: The International Union of Speleology (UIS) and the NSS. 
Presenter: George Veni President of the UIS
Join us for a webinar on Sep 18, 2018 at 8:00 PM CDT, which is, 9PM EDT/ 7PM 
MDT/ 6PM PDT. Please check your time zone for the correct starting time.
Register now!<>

Cavers know about caving opportunities and needs in their area. Many have a 
pretty good idea of what’s happening nationally, but what about caving at the 
global level?
Does it even affect you?
Can you get involved, and if so, how?

The International Union of Speleology (abbreviated “UIS”) is essentially the 
United Nations of caving. It is composed of 54 member nations, working together 
to advance cave and karst research and management, and especially exploration, 
which makes everything else possible. The NSS represents the US to the UIS.

This webinar will give you the basic background on the UIS and focus on its 
many projects around the world, how they merge with the goals of the NSS, and 
how you can join them—even without leaving home.
For a pre-webinar preview of the UIS, visit<>.

George Veni is a long-time caver and lifetime NSS member who has been active in 
many NSS and regional caving projects. For nearly the past 12 years he has been 
best known as the Executive Director of the National Cave and Karst Research 
Institute, (NCKRI). Since 2002 he has served on the UIS Bureau (governing 
board), first as an Adjunct Secretary, and then eight years as the Vice 
President of Administration. For the past year George has served as the only, 
UIS President from the USA.

This webinar, and all webinars are recorded and stored on the NSS website,<> for later viewing and downloading.
The opinions and views in this webinar are not necessarily those of the NSS.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information 
about joining the webinar.
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