Who is the injured person? Please identify.


From: Charles Loving 
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2018 8:48 AM
To: Terry Plemons ; Cavers Texas 
Subject: [Texascavers] Bill's tale

So I guess it’s time to tell this story. Wednesday afternoon I was happily 
finishing up on a shaper , think of big router, the last few wooden pieces of 
the doors and windows for our home in Mexico and looking forward to gluing them 
all up and being a big step towards completing the house. A millisecond later I 
was unbelievably looking at a ruined right hand. A few minutes later after 
doing my best to staunch the blood flow I was at the clinic in Real. The doctor 
on duty took one look and said hospital in Matehuala an hour away. I stopped on 
the way out of town at a friends house. Luckily she was home and her boyfriend 
and she drove me to the hospital. Basically they sewed up a couple of arteries 
and assayed the damage, by the way with no painkillers . I guess just trying to 
see how tough I am. The doctor said I would need to go to a specialist in 
Saltillo or San Luis Potosí. They gave me antibiotics, pain meds, and a tetanus 
shot. When we left the hospital my friends boyfriend asked if I’d prefer to fly 
back to Texas. He offered to fly me in his Fairchild turbo prop. My response to 
this was, “You’ve got a plane?” Totally unassuming man and now a saint . He 
arranged for an employee to meet us halfway to Saltillo. This man drove me to a 
Holiday Inn where we had reservations. I walked in the lobby looking like 
someone out of a Quentin Tarentino movie. Complete with cartels and sicarios. 
The desk clerk looked up and said NO ROOMS, I protested that I had a 
reservation. NO ROOMS!! We got the same response across the street at a 
Hampton. At the next one I gave Juan my wallet and said, “This time you get the 
room and I’ll go in s side door.” I ended up having to go to a hospital in 
Saltillo because I started hemorrhaging again during the night. The next 
morning the driver picked me up and after a stop at Walmart to buy clothes,of 
course they didn’t fit anyway, by 8:30 we were airborne on the way to San 
Antonio. At SA the immigration guy took one look, said “I don’t want to know”, 
and waved me through. Gale in the meanwhile had found the top micro surgeon in 
the country with the aid of our next door neighbor who is a friend of an 
associate of the surgeon Dr. Fernando Levaro. Gale picked me up in SA and we 
drove to Houston. Within 10 minutes of walking into his office we were meeting 
with Dr. Levaro and within 1 hr I was in surgery. The surgery lasted 6 hours. I 
can’t say enough good things about this guy. He’s by the way one if those 
Mexicans they’re sending us. At the follow up today he told me he expected me 
to get back to close to 90% function. Skin grafts, nerve repair, tendons, bone 
fractures, vessel repair, and evidently I learned Spanish because I was 
speaking it while I was under anesthesia. I can’t begin to express the 
gratitude I have for every person I came across in the last two days, both 
friends and strangers. I’d post photo, but I’m not that cruel.


Charlie Loving

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