
Just wanted to remind folks that the 5th Texas Hydro Geo Workshop is coming up 
this weekend. We have 35 modules lined up on various field data collection 
methods. I did want to highlight a new module for those that manage cave and 
karst resources.

Chelsea Ballard from Western Kentucky University and a Park Ranger at Mammoth 
Cave National Park will present a module on Cave Management and Karst 
Resources. Chelsea is also the Assistant Education Coordinator and Cave Guide 
at American Cave Conservation Association in Horse Cave, Kentucky. She has also 
been an NPS geoscientist in the Parks and worked at Diamond Cavers in Kentucky 
and El Malpais National Monument in New Mexico. She will be driving in from 
Kentucky to present a four hour module. This is an excellent opportunity to 
study with a professional cave resource manager.

Here is the description of the module.

Caves have attracted humans for thousands of years as places for shelter, 
recreation and other activities, not all good. This module will discuss 
management of surface and subsurface cave and karst resources including: 
conservation, restoration, recreation, science and environmental education. It 
will also touch upon geodiversity, biodiversity and wilderness concepts.

Chelsea has multi-generational ties to the Kentucky Cave Country and one of the 
best lists "Visitor Questions" I've seen on her Facebook Page.  I'm sure it 
will be an informative and entertaining presentation.

>From her Facebook Page.

18. Chelsea: "Hi, folks, welcome to Hidden River Cave, my name is Chelsea and 
I'll be your guide today!"
Visitor: "I figured you would be our guide because you're so pale"

19. Taking a trip to Glasgow..
Allie: "Chelsea, what are you reading?"
Me: "Caves and Karst of the USA"
Allie: I thought you were bringing a normal book to read and not a text book?"
Me: I did, (shows her "The Longest Cave")
Allie: "OH MY GOD! You've got to be kidding me!"

20. Today's experience at the doctor..
Doctor: "Oh my gosh! What happened to your elbows?"
Me: "I went caving"
*Doctor stares awkwardly*
I then explain I study caves and karst and I go caving for fun but also perform 
research projects in caves and I'm a park ranger at Mammoth Cave.
*doctor still stares awkwardly*
Me: "yeah, just never mind"

If you would like to attend the workshop, you can register at

Geary Schindel

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