The new movie "Aquaman," features a scene where Aquaman dives off a small
fishing boat in the most remote part of the ocean ( at night of course ) (
mid-Alantic ? ) into a very deep vertical whirlpool created by a magical

He and his companion enter a super deep narrow trench called "The Trench,"
portrayed to be the scariest deathly place on Earth.

They use a single flare deep underwater to scare off a thousand ferocious
creatures ( mutant human Atlantian off-spring ) very similar the alien to
the movie, "Alien."

I wish Aquaman and his companion had taken new LED lamps and some weapons.
After all, they had previously been in a futuristic Alantian submarine.
 Allegedly, they went on this spontaneous expedition due to lack of time to

At the bottom of The Trench, they enter a horizontal walk-in cave entrance
through a separate magical force-field that holds back the water - not
knowing what to expect and are not surpised to find an incredible
underground paradise.

This dry cave passage ( but with large pools of water ) apparently leads to
the infamous mythical "Hidden Sea." ( a.k.a. The Center of the Earth ? )

This void in the Earth is almost identical to other stories about the
place, except that the only way in or out is through the magical vertical

There is plenty of fresh oxygen and fresh water and light - just like a

I think the directors bungled all of the rest of this scene too focused on
actress Nicole Kidman having lived there alone for 30 years.    It seemed
so retarded for Aquaman to make a preemptive strike on The Monster.  That
was contrary to his personality.

I do not recall any speloethems or troglobitic creatures - just The Monster
and some very tiny bi-pedal dinosaurs.

None of this seemed plausible.  The Monster would have needed to eat a cow
every day to stay alive, and the passage would have been far nastier than
bat guano.   It was a dragon-like creature nearly identical to The Lord of
the Rings.

Just saying... the directors should have brought in a caver.

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