Follow up, another only on facebook announcement post it seems:

"Amy Cantrell Morton shared a link to the group: Texas Speleological Association. 6 hrs

There have been a lot of questions about the Government Canyon Project this weekend, because many of you are going to attend and stay for the meeting, which I love! Here is what Marvin Miller said in a post- "Show up by 9:00 Saturday morning to help out with the project. Project activities will be happening on Sunday as well. The volunteer campground is available. Contact me if you are planning to camp." Here is the link to the TSA Government Canyon Project Page-

The TSA member's meeting starts at 12 pm on Sundayy and here is the link to the previous announcement"

On 2018-12-16 1:14, Terry Holsinger wrote:
I have not seen anything here on this email list so

Posted by Amy Cantrell Morton on 11 December at 14:43

The winter meeting will be held on Sunday, January 6th at 12 PM at Government Canyon State Natural Area. The GCSNA Cave Project is going on this weekend with lots of objectives, including mapping of new shelter caves found recently, a blowing lead in Lost Pothole (vertical cave), a dig lead in Dancing Fern Cave and of course, tons of ridge walking. Come out for the project, stay for the meeting. This is the new nice shelter cave Marvin Miller found last time.

(Photo only on facebook, sorry y'all)

Terry H.
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